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  • (2024): Working more for more and working more for less : Labor supply in the gain and loss domains Labour Economics. Elsevier. 2024, 88, 102533. ISSN 0927-5371. eISSN 1879-1034. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102533

    Working more for more and working more for less : Labor supply in the gain and loss domains


    We examine labor supply responses to piece rate changes relative to the reference piece rate (RR). In experimental conditions without RR, labor supply increases monotonically with the actual piece rate. In conditions with RR, labor supply increases both when the piece rate rises and falls relative to RR. This non-monotonicity in labor supply responses to piece rate changes around RR is consistent with the effects of framing a given level of income as gain or loss relative to the target level induced by RR: loss aversion makes subjects work more at a given piece rate when the implied income is in the loss rather than gain domain. However, the framing effects disappear when the piece rate could both rise or fall relative to RR.

  • (2024): Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies : the Sámi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway Ethnic and Racial Studies. Taylor & Francis. 2024, 47(6), pp. 1203-1230. ISSN 0141-9870. eISSN 1466-4356. Available under: doi: 10.1080/01419870.2023.2243313

    Projekt : “Ethnic policies” – remedy for between-group inequalities?

    Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies : the Sámi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway


    The Sámi people stand out as the only Indigenous minority in an egalitarian European context, namely the Nordic Countries. Therefore, inequalities that they may face are worth closer inspection. Drawing on the distinction between inequalities among individuals (vertical) and between groups (horizontal), we investigate how different types of inequalities affect the Sámi today. We formulate a series of hypotheses on how social, economic, cultural, and political inequalities are linked with discrimination experience, and test these with original data from a population survey conducted in northern Norway and northern Sweden simultaneously in 2021. The findings show that Sámi ethnic background increases the probability of experiencing discrimination. While individual-level economic inequality is also pertinent, this does not directly materialise as between-group inequality. Instead, minority language use is a strong predictor of discrimination experience, revealing the socio-cultural nature of ethnic inequalities. Cross-country differences are only reflected in the effect of minority language use.

  • Je immigrationsskeptischer die Bevölkerung, desto restriktiver sind die BAMF-Entscheidungen


    Der Begriff der Asyllotterie beschreibt die für den Rechtsstaat bedenkliche Tendenz, dass die Schutzquoten für Asylsuchende regional und zeitlich stark variieren. Doch mit den verwendeten Aggregatdaten für einzelne Bundesländer lässt sich nicht belegen, dass sich die Erfolgsaussichten für Geflüchtete mit einem ähnlich glaubwürdigen Gesuch und vergleichbarem Hintergrund systematisch unterscheiden. Eine Auswertung der IAB-BAMF-SOEP–Flüchtlingsbefragung geht nun über die Makrobefunde der bisherigen Literatur hinaus und zeigt, dass außerrechtliche Faktoren wie die Immigrationsskepsis in einer Region die individuelle Chance, Schutz zu erhalten, maßgeblich mitbestimmen. Sie weist auch nach, dass muslimische Asylsuchende und Männer mit ihren Gesuchen beim Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge systematisch geringere Erfolgsaussichten haben.

  • (2024): Social mobility in Germany Journal of Public Economics. Elsevier. 2024, 232, 105074. ISSN 0047-2727. eISSN 1879-2316. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2024.105074

    Social mobility in Germany


    We characterize intergenerational mobility in Germany using census data on educational attainment and parental income for 526,000 children. Motivated by Germany’s tracking system in secondary education, our measure of opportunity is the A-Level degree, a requirement for access to university. A 10 percentile increase in parental income rank is associated with a 5.2 percentage point increase in the A-Level share. This gradient remained unchanged for the birth cohorts 1980–1996, despite a large-scale expansion of upper secondary education. At the regional level, there exists substantial variation in mobility estimates. Local characteristics, rather than sorting patterns, account for most of these differences.

  • (2024): The electoral consequences of taxation in OECD countries Electoral Studies. Elsevier. 2024, 88, 102774. ISSN 0261-3794. eISSN 1873-6890. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2024.102774

    The electoral consequences of taxation in OECD countries


    Researchers, politicians, and pundits commonly expect that voters retrospectively punish and reward government parties for tax policies, but there is surprisingly little cross-country evidence that backs this claim. This study provides comprehensive evidence from 30 OECD countries, 1970–2020. It analyzes the electoral fates of government parties that increased or cut taxes on personal incomes and consumption. Our findings confirm the prevalence of electoral consequences, but these depend on the type and direction of tax change. Government parties lose votes when they increase personal income taxes while there is only marginal evidence suggesting electoral reward for income tax increases and electoral consequences after value-added tax changes. The findings also indicate the distributive effects of reforms to matter. The most pronounced consequences arise when governments raise income taxes on the poor. The moderating role of conditional factors such as government partisanship and fiscal pressure are explored, but no consensus emerges from the findings.

  • (2024): An efficacious remedy for status inequality? : Indigenous policies in Norway and Sweden Politics, Groups, and Identities. Taylor & Francis. ISSN 2156-5503. eISSN 2156-5511. Available under: doi: 10.1080/21565503.2024.2331726

    Projekt : ”Ethnic policies” – remedy for between-group inequalities?

    An efficacious remedy for status inequality? : Indigenous policies in Norway and Sweden


    Most states publicly support the recognition of Indigenous rights. Nevertheless, their domestic policies to address Indigenous rights issues vary considerably across countries. So far, research has not committed itself to investigating the consequences of different Indigenous policies on the peoples concerned and their social status. Do policy contexts that accommodate Indigenous rights firmly contribute to status equality between Indigenous people and the ethnic majority? I study this question in the case of Norway and Sweden. These countries host one Indigenous people – the Sámi – but pursue diverging Indigenous policies. Using new survey data, I show that, despite the absence of material inequalities, there is a clear gap in the social status perceptions between Indigenous and majority respondents in Sweden. In Norway, I do not find that Sámi’s perception of their social position is lower than the majority's. The results suggest that the Swedish policies governing the recognition of Sámi rights are less effective in resolving unequal status perceptions.

  • Die schweigende Mehrheit auf der Straße? : Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Teilnehmer:innen an den Protesten gegen Rechtsextremismus


    Seit Jahresbeginn 2024 finden deutschlandweit Proteste gegen Rechtsextremismus großen Zulauf. Doch ist es tatsächlich eine „schweigende Mehrheit“, die hier für Demokratie aufsteht? In diesem Policy Paper stellen wir die Ergebnisse einer Befragung dreier Protestveranstaltungen vor und untersuchen die soziodemografische Zusammensetzung, Motivation und Einstellungen der Teilnehmer:innen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich dabei feststellen, dass diese sich zumeist der oberen Mittelschicht zugehörig fühlen, politisch links der Mitte verorten und überdurchschnittlich hohe Bildungsabschlüsse besitzen. Viele haben keine Protesterfahrung und sind in Sorge wegen des Erstarkens der AfD, äußern sich aber differenziert, was den Umgang mit der Partei und ihren Unterstützer:innen anbelangt.

  • Parität, Transparenz, Familienfreundlichkeit : Wie sich der Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland reduzieren ließe


    Der Gender Pay Gap lag in Deutschland im Jahr 2023 bei 18 Prozent. Damit blieb der Wert im fünften Jahr in Folge unverändert, obwohl Frauen in derselben Zeit zunehmend gut bezahlte Berufe ausübten. Diese anhaltende Lohnlücke zwischen Männern und Frauen wirft Fragen nach Ursachen und Gegenmaßnahmen auf. In diesem Policy Paper analysieren wir die Gehälter von 1.780.008 Erwerbspersonen, um den Einfluss von arbeitsmarktrelevanten Eigenschaften der Arbeitnehmer:innen, den Merkmalen der anstellenden Unternehmen sowie der politischen Rahmenbedingungen auf den Gender Pay Gap zu verstehen. Auf Basis unserer Erkenntnisse formulieren wir Handlungsempfehlungen für Arbeitnehmer:innen, Unternehmen und die Politik, wie sich der Gender Pay Gap effektiv reduzieren ließe.

  • (2024): How regional attitudes towards immigration shape the chance to obtain asylum : Evidence from Germany Migration Studies. Oxford University Press (OUP). ISSN 2049-5838. eISSN 2049-5846. Available under: doi: 10.1093/migration/mnae002

    How regional attitudes towards immigration shape the chance to obtain asylum : Evidence from Germany


    Asylum recognition rates in advanced democracies differ not only across states but also vary within them, translating into fluctuating individual chances to obtain protection. Existing studies on the determinants of these regional inequities typically rely on aggregate data. Utilizing a German refugee survey and leveraging a quasi-natural experiment arising from state-based allocation rules tied to national dispersal policies, we test two explanations for the perplexing regional differences. Drawing on principal–agent models of administrative decision-making, we test whether asylum decision-makers consciously or unconsciously comply with regional political preferences between 2015 and 2017 in Germany, one of the major European destination countries for refugee migration. We furthermore explore whether such biased decision-making amplifies in times of organizational stress as suggested by the statistical discrimination theory. Using mixed-effects logistic regressions, our analyses confirm a lower approval probability in regions with more immigration-averse residents or governments. We cannot confirm, however, that this association is mediated by high workloads or large knowledge gaps. Our results thus suggest that regional political biases affect the individual chance of asylum-seekers to obtain protection irrespective of temporal administrative conditions.

  •   31.03.26  
    (2024): The politics of redistribution and sovereign default Journal of International Economics. Elsevier. 2024, 148, 103876. ISSN 0022-1996. eISSN 1873-0353. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2023.103876

    The politics of redistribution and sovereign default


    This paper studies how distributional and electoral concerns shape sovereign default incentives within a quantitative model of sovereign debt with heterogeneous agents and non-linear income taxation. The small open economy is characterized by a two-party system in which the left-wing party has a larger preference for redistribution than the right-wing party. Political turnover is the endogenous outcome of the electoral process. Fiscal policy faces a tradeoff: On the one hand, the government has incentives to finance its spending via external debt to avoid distortionary income taxation. On the other hand, the accumulation of external debt raises the cost of borrowing. Quantitative findings suggest that the left-wing party implements a more progressive income tax, is more prone to default, and has a lower electoral support than the right-wing party due to worse borrowing conditions and the distortionary effects of income taxation. In equilibrium, electoral uncertainty raises sovereign default risk.

  • (2024): Highly skilled and highly skeptical? : How education and origin shape newcomers’ relationship with their new home Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Taylor & Francis. ISSN 1369-183X. eISSN 1469-9451. Available under: doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2024.2315356

    Projekt : Aktuelle Zuzugsprozesse und frühe Integrationsverläufe in Deutschland

    Highly skilled and highly skeptical? : How education and origin shape newcomers’ relationship with their new home


    This article explores how level of education and region of origin (EU versus non-EU) shape newcomers’ perceptions of being welcome and treated fairly upon arrival, as well as their feelings of closeness and belonging to majority members and their long-term commitment to their new country of residence. Our results show that the impact of these factors – education and EU background – varies between these dimensions in shaping individuals’ attitudes and feelings about their new home. Feelings of being welcome and treated fairly do not differ much between origin groups per se, but they do differ between highly skilled and less-skilled migrants, although in a paradoxical way. Skilled third-country nationals are more skeptical than individuals with lower levels of education, and they are also more likely to feel marginalized. As regards the other dimensions, origin clearly trumps education. Although EU migrants are not particularly skeptical about Germany, they feel less close to it and more hesitant to make a long-term commitment to the country. Our analysis shows that skilled migrants do not relate in a consistent or homogeneous way to their destination country.

  • (2024): Endorsement of Wage Discrimination against Immigrants : Results from a Multifactorial Survey Experiment in Israeli Society Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. Elsevier. 2024, 89, 100891. ISSN 0276-5624. eISSN 1878-5654. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2024.100891

    Endorsement of Wage Discrimination against Immigrants : Results from a Multifactorial Survey Experiment in Israeli Society


    In the present research we examine, first, the extent to which the Israeli public endorse wage-gaps between immigrants and comparable non-immigrant workers (employed in. identical low-wage jobs), and second, whether the endorsement of wage discrimination against immigrants is associated with immigrants’ characteristics. Data for the analysis were obtained from a representative sample of the Jewish population in Israel (N=600). We implemented a multifactorial survey experiment design including immigrants’ characteristics such as continent of origin, education, religion, and reason for migration. The experimental setup contained 252 vignettes. Vignette decks were randomly assigned to the respondents for evaluation of the fairness of the wage-gaps between immigrants and comparable non-immigrant workers. Analysis of the data leads to a twofold conclusion. First, justification of wage discrimination against immigrants is widespread. Second, justification of wage discrimination is influenced by immigrants’ characteristics, being most pronounced (even extreme) in the case of clearly defined “outgroup” populations (Muslims and Christians, asylum seekers and labor migrants) and least pronounced in the case of immigrants belonging to the dominant “in-group” population (Jews and repatriates). In addition, endorsement of discrimination tends to increase with respondents’ levels of prejudice, fear of cultural change, and economic threat. The findings and their meaning are discussed in light of theories on economic discrimination.

  • (2024): ECMI Minorities Blog: Indigenous Inequalities in Egalitarian Societies : The Case of the Sámi People in Norway and Sweden ECMI Minorities Blog. Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI). Available under: doi: 10.53779/SBPL3716

    Projekt : ”Ethnic policies” – remedy for between-group inequalities?

    ECMI Minorities Blog: Indigenous Inequalities in Egalitarian Societies : The Case of the Sámi People in Norway and Sweden


    Many Indigenous peoples live in firmly unequal societies and face substantial material disparities towards the ethnic majority populations. Yet, inequalities between ethnic groups are usually multidimensional and go beyond material status. But are they also present when economic inequality is absent? That is, what kind of inequalities do Indigenous peoples face in societies conventionally considered egalitarian? This blog post reports on new research about the situation of the Sámi people in Norway and Sweden. It indeed supports the proposition that the Sámi are on a material par with their non-Indigenous compatriots. Nonetheless, they are more likely to experience discrimination, and these experiences are strongly linked to how proficient Sámi are in their Indigenous languages and how frequently they use them. This shows that the Sámi face inequalities especially in the dimension of cultural status. Finally, the post points out potential further inequalities in the case of the Sámi that research has yet to address.

  • (2024): The distributive politics of the green transition : a conjoint experiment on EU climate change mitigation policy Journal of European Public Policy. Taylor & Francis. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2024.2304609

    The distributive politics of the green transition : a conjoint experiment on EU climate change mitigation policy


    In the fight against climate change, the European Union has developed a new growth strategy to transform Europe into the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. To support EU member states in their transition towards greener economies, climate change mitigation policies are being implemented at the EU-level. However, such policies can be designed in different ways, and gaining citizens’ support is crucial for the political feasibility of the European green transition. Drawing on data from an original conjoint experiment conducted in Germany (N = 5,796), this article investigates how policy design shapes public support for EU climate change mitigation. To this end, the study theoretically and empirically distinguishes four policy dimensions that address the distributive politics of the European green transition: sectoral scope, social spending, financing structure and cross-country distribution. The results confirm that all four policy dimensions significantly impact public support. Specifically, the study reveals that support is greatest for EU policy packages that target financial support at the renewable energy sector, include social investment policies, are financed by increasing taxes on the rich, and distribute resources across EU member states based on population size. Furthermore, citizens’ sensitivity to the policy design varies slightly by income position, left-right ideology and climate attitudes.

  • (2024): How sudden- versus slow-onset environmental events affect self-identification as an environmental migrant : Evidence from Vietnamese and Kenyan survey data PLOS ONE. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024, 19(1), e0297079. eISSN 1932-6203. Available under: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297079

    How sudden- versus slow-onset environmental events affect self-identification as an environmental migrant : Evidence from Vietnamese and Kenyan survey data


    In response to changing climatic conditions, people are increasingly likely to migrate. However, individual-level survey data reveal that people mainly state economic, social, or political reasons as the main drivers for their relocation decision–not environmental motives or climate change specifically. To shed light on this discrepancy, we distinguish between sudden-onset (e.g., floods and storms) and slow-onset (e.g., droughts and salinity) climatic changes and argue that the salience of environmental conditions in individuals’ migration decisions is shaped by the type of climate event experienced. Empirically, we combine individual-level surveys with geographic information on objective climatic changes in Vietnam and Kenya. The empirical evidence suggests that sudden-onset climate events make individuals more likely to link environmental conditions to their migration decision and, hence, to identify themselves as “environmental migrants.” Regression analyses support these results and are consistent with the view that slow-onset events tend to be linked with migration decisions that are more economically motivated.

  • (2024): Unverhandelte Tarife und ein Imageproblem Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. 14. Jan. 2024, No. 2, pp. 56

    Unverhandelte Tarife und ein Imageproblem



    dc.contributor.author: Holzer, Boris

  • (2024): Divided Attitudes Toward Rectifying Injustice : How Preferences for Indigenous Policies Differ Between the Indigenous and Majority Populations of Norway and Sweden The Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics. Cambridge University Press. 2024, 9(1), pp. 1-25. eISSN 2056-6085. Available under: doi: 10.1017/rep.2023.38

    Projekt : “Ethnic policies” – remedy for between-group inequalities?

    Divided Attitudes Toward Rectifying Injustice : How Preferences for Indigenous Policies Differ Between the Indigenous and Majority Populations of Norway and Sweden


    Most states acknowledge the significance of Indigenous rights to rectify past injustices. Yet, on the domestic level, the realization of these rights depends on national policies. For democratic societies, questions about public opinion toward Indigenous policies are thus of great interest but remain largely unstudied. To what extent does the ethnic majority support policies conducive to Indigenous rights realization? And how different are the Indigenous population’s policy preferences? I use original experimental data from a vignette study to investigate these questions in the case of the Sámi people in Norway and Sweden. I hypothesize that groups’ attitudes are shaped by policies’ potential to alter the social status hierarchy between the majority and Indigenous populations. The results provide a nuanced picture. The ethnic majority shows significantly less support for policies facilitating Sámi linguistic, self-governance, and territorial rights. While the Sámi have, in general, more positive attitudes toward such policies, their support seems to be less pronounced than the majority’s resistance. Moreover, as attitudes are surprisingly similar when compared between Norway and Sweden, a country’s existing policy context does not appear to be crucial in the formation of these preferences.

  • (2024): Linguistic features of public service encounters : How spoken administrative language affects citizen satisfaction Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2024, 34(1), pp. 122-135. ISSN 1053-1858. eISSN 1477-9803. Available under: doi: 10.1093/jopart/muac052

    Linguistic features of public service encounters : How spoken administrative language affects citizen satisfaction


    Spoken administrative language is a critical element in the relationship between citizens and the state, especially when it comes to face-to-face interactions between officials and citizens during the delivery of public services. But preceding work offers little insights on the verbal features of street-level bureaucracy. Drawing on communication studies, we argue that administrative language differs along both a relational and an informational linguistic component. To test the consequentiality of this theory, we design a factorial survey experiment with a representative sample of 1,402 German citizens. Participants evaluated audio recordings of a hypothetical service encounter where we systematically varied the language used by the official and the service decision, measuring participants’ service satisfaction as the main outcome. Based on regression analysis, we find that relational elements of administrative language improve citizen satisfaction, independent of the service outcome, but that the effect does not hold for the informational component. These findings emphasize the importance of relational communication in citizen-state interactions, which tends to be neglected in public administration theory and practice.

  • (2024): Who cares for the future? : Exploring public attitudes towards the needs of future generations in Germany Journal of European Public Policy. Taylor & Francis. 2024, 31(3), pp. 680-705. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2165697

    Who cares for the future? : Exploring public attitudes towards the needs of future generations in Germany


    This paper studies the determinants of support for future generations, using novel survey data for the case of Germany. I find significant, but not overwhelming support for prioritizing the needs of future generations vs. the acute needs of present-day citizens. Moreover, individual-level and contextual factors matter too. High-income and highly educated citizens are on average more supportive of the needs of future generations, the elderly and women less so. Left-wing supporters are equally more supportive of future generations, especially supporters of the Greens and those subscribing to ‘green-alternative-liberal’ values. Supporters of the right-wing populist AfD are most strongly opposed. General political trust boosts support for future generations, and economically thriving local economies are associated with higher levels of support for future generations as well.

  • (2024): Partisanship, blame avoidance behaviours and voter reactions to allegations of political misconduct Electoral Studies. Elsevier. 2024, 87, 102742. ISSN 0261-3794. eISSN 1873-6890. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102742

    Partisanship, blame avoidance behaviours and voter reactions to allegations of political misconduct


    Politicians often engage in blame avoidance behaviours in order to evade electoral punishment following allegations of misconduct. A key question concerns the (in)effectiveness of such behaviours in mitigating voter opinions about the alleged misconduct and the appropriate punishment. In this article, we examine how this (in)effectiveness may be shaped by: (1) the characteristics of blame avoidance behaviours, and (2) voters' partisan (mis)alignment with the alleged offender. We address this question using a between-subject survey experiment among a sample of Norwegian citizens (N = 1996). Our main findings suggest that blame avoidance behaviours can be effective in mitigating voters' assessment of the alleged misconduct and of the punishment the politician should face. This is particularly true when it concerns politicians from respondents' most-preferred party, and among left-wing voters. These findings help explain when and why scandals may (fail to) affect politicians’ electoral fortunes.

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