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  • Kulic, Nevena; Dotti Sani, Giulia M.; Strauß, Susanne; Bellani, Luna (2021): Economic disturbances in the COVID-19 crisis and their gendered impact on unpaid activities in Germany and Italy European Societies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 23(S1), pp. S400-S416. ISSN 1461-6696. eISSN 1469-8307. Available under: doi: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1828974

    Economic disturbances in the COVID-19 crisis and their gendered impact on unpaid activities in Germany and Italy


    This article investigates whether changes in women’s and men’s contributions to household income in Germany and Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic are associated with changes in unpaid work. The current health crisis represents a unique opportunity to explore these topics, because the restrictive measures imposed during the lockdown are likely to have generated an unexpected shock to both domestic work and individual ability to contribute to household income. Using data from two novel datasets collected in Germany and Italy during the pandemic, this article shows that changes to both contribution to household income and unpaid activities during the crisis have been gendered, affecting women more negatively than men. In addition, we suggest that economic disturbances during the pandemic are associated with gendered changes in unpaid work that seem to be driven by changes in bargaining power in both countries. Our results also show some support for enhanced traditionalization of domestic life among German couples during the crisis, as predicted by gender display theories, albeit only regarding childcare.

  • Dauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Suedekum, Jens; Woessner, Nicole (2021): The Adjustment of Labor Markets to Robots Journal of the European Economic Association. Oxford University Press. 2021, 19(6), pp. 3104-3153. ISSN 1542-4766. eISSN 1542-4774. Available under: doi: 10.1093/jeea/jvab012

    The Adjustment of Labor Markets to Robots


    We use detailed administrative data to study the adjustment of local labor markets to industrial robots in Germany. Robot exposure, as predicted by a shift-share variable, is associated with displacement effects in manufacturing, but those are fully offset by new jobs in services. The incidence mostly falls on young workers just entering the labor force. Automation is related to more stable employment within firms for incumbents, and this is driven by workers taking over new tasks in their original plants. Several measures indicate that those new jobs are of higher quality than the previous ones. Young workers also adapt their educational choices, and substitute away from vocational training towards colleges and universities. Finally, industrial robots have benefited workers in occupations with complementary tasks, such as managers or technical scientists.

  • Holzer, Boris; Sklair, Leslie (2021): Western Europe : planetary eurocentrism SKLAIR, Leslie, ed.. The Anthropocene in Global Media : Neutralizing the Risk. New York: Routledge, 2021, pp. 159-186. ISBN 978-0-367-37597-3. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9780429355202-11

    Western Europe : planetary eurocentrism



    dc.contributor.author: Sklair, Leslie

  • The labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe : context, theory and evidence


    Women represent an important component of the immigration population in Europe and have increasingly been a group of interest in academic studies, especially with regard to their integration outcomes. In this overview, we seek to provide a comprehensive resource for scholars of female immigrant labor market integration in Europe, to act both as a reference and a roadmap for future studies in this domain. We begin by presenting a contextual history of immigration to and within Europe since the Second World War, before outlining the major theoretical assumptions about immigrant women’s labor market disadvantage from economics and sociology. We then synthesize the empirical findings published between 2000 and 2020 and analyze how they line up with the theoretical predictions. We also present descriptive analyses with data from 2019, which expose any discrepancies between the current situation in European countries and the situation during the time periods considered in the reviewed studies.
    As a group, immigrant women are often reported to experience significant disadvantages in their labor market integration, both compared to immigrant men and to native women. However, this type of approach glosses over the substantial heterogeneity in immigrant women’s experiences. Instead, our overview points to a selective disadvantage for immigrant women that is highly dependent on their country of origin and the reception context they encounter after immigration.

  • Redistribution beyond equality and status quo : heterogeneous societies in the lab



  • Wolter, Felix; Diekmann, Andreas (2021): False Positives and the "More-Is-Better" Assumption in Sensitive Question Research : New Evidence on the Crosswise Model and the Item Count Technique Public Opinion Quarterly. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2021, 85(3), pp. 836-863. ISSN 0033-362X. eISSN 1537-5331. Available under: doi: 10.1093/poq/nfab043

    False Positives and the "More-Is-Better" Assumption in Sensitive Question Research : New Evidence on the Crosswise Model and the Item Count Technique


    Several special questioning techniques have been developed in order to counteract misreporting to sensitive survey questions, for example, on criminal behavior. However, doubts have been raised concerning their validity and practical value as well as the strategy of testing their validity using the “more-is-better” assumption in comparative survey experiments. This is because such techniques can be prone to generating false positive estimates, that is, counting “innocent” respondents as “guilty” ones. This article investigates the occurrence of false positive estimates by comparing direct questioning, the crosswise model (CM), and the item count technique (ICT). We analyze data from two online surveys (N = 2,607 and 3,203) carried out in Germany and Switzerland. Respondents answered three questions regarding traits for which it is known that their prevalence in reality is zero. The results show that CM suffers more from false positive estimates than ICT. CM estimates amount to up to 15 percent for a given true value of zero. The mean of the ICT estimates is not significantly different from zero. We further examine factors causing the biased estimates of CM and show that speeding through the questionnaire (random answering) and problems with the measurement procedure—namely regarding the unrelated questions—are responsible. Our findings suggest that CM is problematic and should not be used or evaluated without the possibility of accounting for false positives. For ICT, the issue is less severe.

  • When everyone thinks they’re middle-class : (Mis-) Perceptions of inequality and why they matter for social policy


    Current levels of social and economic inequalities are an enduring challenge for policymakers concerned with sustaining high levels of prosperity and social mobility. Understanding which types of inequalities people in Germany regard as important is crucial. Using survey data, this paper presents evidence that misperceptions about inequality among the German population are common. Inequality is perceived as a problem and most respondents would prefer a more egalitarian society. However, people still underestimate the extent of inequality in important ways. This suggests that there is the potential for a policy agenda that emphasizes progressive and egalitarian policies. For such policies to gain public support, they should be tied to information on specific aspects of inequality.

  • Fakten statt Meinungen : für eine evidenzbasierte Asylpolitik


    Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) bestreitet, dass die Schutzquoten in der Asylpolitik sich systematisch regional unterscheiden. Der Verfasser widerspricht dieser Interpretation und fordert aufgrund der prekären Datenlage im Flüchtlingswesen eine evidenzbasierte Migrationspolitik, die über Entscheidungstrends regelmäßig und detailliert berichtet und sich offen und transparent mit kritischen Studien auseinandersetzt.

  • Kreyenfeld, Michaela; Diehl, Claudia; Giesecke, Johannes; Kroh, Martin (Hrsg.) (2021): Special Issue: Employment and Family Behavior after Migration : The Experience of First Generation Female Migrants

    Special Issue: Employment and Family Behavior after Migration : The Experience of First Generation Female Migrants



    dc.contributor.editor: Kreyenfeld, Michaela; Giesecke, Johannes; Kroh, Martin

  • Exzellenzcluster „The Politics of Inequality“ (Hrsg.) (2021): COVID-19 und Ungleichheit

    COVID-19 und Ungleichheit



    dc.contributor.editor: Exzellenzcluster „The Politics of Inequality“

  • Roessler, Martin; Zwerschke, Patrick; Old, Jonathan (2021): Democracy and the Transnational Dimensions of Low-Level Conflict and State Repression International Studies Quarterly. Oxford University Press. 2021, 65(3), pp. 753-767. ISSN 0020-8833. eISSN 1468-2478. Available under: doi: 10.1093/isq/sqab038

    Democracy and the Transnational Dimensions of Low-Level Conflict and State Repression


    This paper examines the transnational dimensions of low-level conflict and state repression. In this regard, special emphasis is placed on the role of political regimes. Drawing on a simple model, we argue that democracy has opposing effects on conflict intensity. On one hand, democracy satisfies demand for political participation and thus reduces conflict potential, while, on the other hand, we highlight that domestic democracy may spur dissatisfaction and conflict abroad, which, in turn, may induce conflict spillovers. As a result, the net effect of democracy on low-level conflict and state repression is ambiguous and depends on the level of democracy in the neighborhood: We predict that democracy is more pacifying in democratic environments and may spur conflict in autocratic environments. By the symmetry of the model, we also predict that democratic environments are more pacifying for democratic countries and may spur conflict in autocracies. Empirical evidence using panel data on different types of low-level conflict and state repression for 160 countries in the period from 1950 to 2011 supports these hypotheses. Additionally, two case studies illustrate the mechanisms of our model.

  • De Meulenaere, Kim; Kunze, Florian (2021): Distance matters! : The role of employees' age distance on the effects of workforce age heterogeneity on firm performance Human Resource Management. Wiley. 2021, 60(4), pp. 499-516. ISSN 0090-4848. eISSN 1099-050X. Available under: doi: 10.1002/hrm.22031

    Distance matters! : The role of employees' age distance on the effects of workforce age heterogeneity on firm performance


    Age heterogeneity in Western workforces is increasing, generating potential informational benefits as well as harmful age‐based social categorizations. When can firms benefit from age heterogeneity? Building on the categorization‐elaboration model, we propose the average age distance between employees as a fundamental contingency. Using a longitudinal archival sample of 3,336 Belgian firms (2012–2015), we find that firms with a high level of age heterogeneity are less productive when employees' average distance is great (Study 1). Through an online experiment with 260 US participants, we show that employees in age‐heterogeneous workforces are less willing to engage in inter‐age cooperative contact and knowledge exchange under a great level of average age distance (Study 2). Our findings support that great distances foster age‐based social categorizations that undermine the productive information elaborations between employees of different ages. This broadens our knowledge on the implications of workforce age diversity and helps organizations understand when they can(not) reap the productivity benefits of their age‐diverse workforce. Moreover, this study's theory and implications are relevant to other types of diversity for which both heterogeneity and distance are meaningful constructs. We also discuss the practical implications of this study.

  • Maué, Elisabeth; Diehl, Claudia; Schumann, Stephan (2021): Young refugees in prevocational preparation classes : Who is moving on to the next step? Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO). Waxmann. 2021, 13(1), pp. 105-127. eISSN 1866-6671. Available under: doi: 10.31244/jero.2021.01.04

    Young refugees in prevocational preparation classes : Who is moving on to the next step?


    Since 2015, an enormous number of refugees have migrated to Germany. To obtain qualifi ed jobs, many of them attend prevocational preparation classes. The aims of these classes are mainly the acquisition of German language skills and preparation for subsequent vocational education and training. This paper examines (1) the transitions of young refugees after prevocational preparation classes and (2) what factors predict the transition to the next educational step. Using data from the fi rst two measurement points of a longitudinal survey (t1 during the prevocational preparation class and t2 one year later), we surveyed 333 students in Southwest Germany (82% male; mean age = 18.9 years). Instruments included an online questionnaire, an online test of cognitive ability, and an online test of German language skills. Approximately 37 percent of the students repeated the prevocational preparation class, whereas 60 percent moved on to the next educational step. German language skills at t1 and contact with people helping refugees (t1) predicted the probability of the transition to a “regular” educational pathway. Other variables, such as the educational background of the young refugees and of their parents, personality, motivation, and aspirations, had no significant effects. The findings can be interpreted in terms of the primary (language skills) and secondary eff ects of refugees’ ethnic background (information about the education system through contact with locals).

  • Rudolph, Cort; Allan, Blake; Clark, Malissa; Hertel, Guido; Hirschi, Andreas; Kunze, Florian; Shockley, Kristen; Shoss, Mindy; Sonnentag, Sabine; Zacher, Hannes (2021): Pandemics : Implications for Research and Practice in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Cambridge University Press. 2021, 14(1-2), pp. 1-35. ISSN 1754-9426. eISSN 1754-9434. Available under: doi: 10.1017/iop.2020.48

    Pandemics : Implications for Research and Practice in Industrial and Organizational Psychology


    Pandemics have historically shaped the world of work in various ways. With COVID-19 presenting as a global pandemic, there is much speculation about the impact that this crisis will have for the future of work and for people working in organizations. In this article, we discuss 10 of the most relevant research and practice topics in the field of industrial and organizational (IO) psychology that will likely be impacted by COVID-19. For each of these topics, the pandemic crisis is creating new work-related challenges, but also presenting various opportunities. The topics discussed herein include occupational health and safety, work-family issues, telecommuting, virtual teamwork, job insecurity, precarious work, leadership, human resources policy, the aging workforce, and careers. This article sets the stage for further discussion of various ways in which IO psychology research and practice can address the impacts of COVID- 19 for work and organizational processes that are affecting workers now and will shape the future of work and organizations in both the short and long term. This article concludes by inviting IO psychology researchers and practitioners to address the challenges and opportunities of COVID-19 head-on by proactively innovating the work that we do in support of workers, organizations, and society as a whole.

  • Religious practice and student performance : Evidence from Ramadan fasting


    We investigate how the intensity of Ramadan affects educational outcomes by exploiting spatio-temporal variation in annual fasting hours. Longer fasting hours are related to increases in student performance in a panel of TIMMS test scores (1995–2019) across Muslim countries but not other countries. Results are confirmed in a panel of PISA test scores (2003–2018) allowing within country-wave comparisons of Muslim to non-Muslim students across Europe. We provide evidence consistent with the hypothesis that a demanding Ramadan during adolescence affects educational performance by facilitating formation of social capital and social identity via increased religious participation and shared experiences among students.

  • Harbers, Imke; Tatham, Michaël; Tillin, Louise; Zuber, Christina Isabel (2021): Thirty years of Regional and Federal Studies Regional and Federal Studies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 31(1), pp. 1-23. ISSN 1359-7566. eISSN 1743-9434. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13597566.2020.1868998

    Thirty years of Regional and Federal Studies


    Regional and Federal Studies’30th anniversary offers an opportunity to takestock of the state of the discipline and of the journal. We make four claims.First, the multi-level nature of the political world has intensified in the last 30years. Second, the approaches to studying this changing world have evolvedthrough a quantitative and comparative turn.Regional and Federal Studieshas embraced these developments whilst remaining faithful to its tradition ofrich conceptual and case-study work. Third, the journal has contributed tothe‘territorialization’of mainstream political science as manyfields of studyhave gradually recognized the limitations of national- or single-level analyses.Finally, the journal itself has diversified in terms of approaches, methods,geographical coverage, and gender balance of author profiles, although werecognize there is more to do. We view further comparative research on theGlobal South as a particularly important research avenue.

  • Bergmann, Fabian (2021): Kontakt(aufnahme)-beschränkungen : Oder: Wie die Coronapandemie ein Clusterprojekt auf sozialer Distanz hält In_equality magazin : Das Forschungsmagazin des Exzellenzclusters „The Politics of Inequality“ an der Universität Konstanz. Exzellenzcluster „The Politics of Inequality“, Universität Konstanz. 2021(1), pp. 42-45. ISSN 2748-5404. eISSN 2748-5420

    Projekt : “Ethnic policies” – remedy for between-group inequalities?

    Kontakt(aufnahme)-beschränkungen : Oder: Wie die Coronapandemie ein Clusterprojekt auf sozialer Distanz hält


    Was tun, wenn die Feldforschung ausfällt? Eigentlich wollte der Politikwissenschaftler Fabian Bergmann für seine Doktorarbeit zu den indigenen Sámi in Norwegen und Schweden reisen. Dann kam Corona. Nun steht das Projekt vor der Schwierigkeit, Kontakte auf Distanz zu knüpfen.

  • Dodin, Majed; Findeisen, Sebastian; Henkel, Lukas; Sachs, Dominik; Schüle, Paul (2021): Social Mobility in Germany

    Social Mobility in Germany


    We characterize intergenerational social mobility in Germany using census data on the educational attainment of 526,000 children and their parents’ earnings. Our measure of educational attainment is the A-Level degree, a requirement for access to university and the most important qualification in the German education system. On average, a 10 percentile increase in the parental income rank is associated with a 5.2 percentage point increase in the probability to obtain an A-Level. This parental income gradient has not changed for the birth cohorts from 1980 to 1996, despite a largescale policy of expanding upper secondary education in Germany. At the regional level, there exists substantial variation in mobility estimates. Place effects, rather than sorting of households into different regions, seem to account for most of these geographical differences. Mobile regions are, among other aspects, characterized by high school quality and enhanced possibilities to obtain an A-Level degree in vocational schools.

  • Homeoffice und mobiles Arbeiten? : Frag doch einfach! klare Antworten aus erster Hand


    Arbeiten im Homeoffice – für viele ist das mittlerweile Alltag. Die Tendenz zu mehr mobilem Arbeiten zeichnet sich seit Längerem ab und wurde durch die Corona-Krise noch beschleunigt. Da sich diese Entwicklung wohl nicht wieder umkehren wird, stehen viele Unternehmen, Arbeitgeber sowie Arbeitnehmer vor der Frage nach dem richtigen Umgang mit der neuen Form des Arbeitens. Die Autoren dieses Buches beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen systematisch aus wissenschaftlicher sowie praktischer Perspektive. Dabei finden sich Tipps und Beispiele für Mitarbeitende, Teams, Führungskräfte, Organisationen sowie Politik und Gesellschaft.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R.; Abrassart, Aurélien; Nezi, Spyridoula; Nezi, Roula (2021): Beyond Positive and Negative : New Perspectives on Feedback Effects in Public Opinion on the Welfare State British Journal of Political Science. Cambridge University Press. 2021, 51(1), pp. 137-162. ISSN 0007-1234. eISSN 1469-2112. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0007123418000534

    Beyond Positive and Negative : New Perspectives on Feedback Effects in Public Opinion on the Welfare State


    The study of policy feedback on public attitudes and policy preferences has become a growing area of research in recent years. Scholars in the tradition of Pierson usually argue that positive, self-reinforcing feedback effects dominate (that is, attitudes are commensurate with existing institutions), whereas the public thermostat model developed by Wlezien and Soroka expects negative, self-undermining feedback. Moving beyond the blunt distinction between positive and negative feedback, this article develops and proposes a more fine-grained typology of feedback effects that distinguishes between accelerating, self-reinforcing and self-undermining, specific and general, as well as long- and short-term dynamic feedback. The authors apply this typology in an analysis of public opinion on government spending in different areas of the welfare state for twenty-one OECD countries, employing a pseudo-panel approach. The empirical analysis confirms the usefulness of this typology since it shows that different types of feedback effects can be observed empirically.

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