• Article
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  • Dissertation
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  • Proceedings
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20 / 628
  • Holzer, Boris (2021): Zwischen Protest und Parodie : Strukturen der »Querdenken«-Kommunikation auf Telegram (und anderswo) REICHARDT, Sven, ed.. Die Misstrauensgemeinschaft der »Querdenker« : Die Corona-Proteste aus kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2021, pp. 125-157. ISBN 978-3-593-51458-1. Available under: doi: 10.31235/osf.io/9rgtk

    Zwischen Protest und Parodie : Strukturen der »Querdenken«-Kommunikation auf Telegram (und anderswo)



  • Blanchard, Olivier; Tirole, Jean; Gollier, Christian; Reguant, Mar; Rodrik, Dani; Stantcheva, Stefanie; Boersch-Supan, Axel; Diehl, Claudia; Propper, Carol; Aghion, Philippe (2021): Major Future Economic Challenges

    Major Future Economic Challenges



    dc.contributor.author: Blanchard, Olivier; Tirole, Jean; Gollier, Christian; Reguant, Mar; Rodrik, Dani; Stantcheva, Stefanie; Boersch-Supan, Axel; Propper, Carol; Aghion, Philippe

  • Überschätzung der Impfquote gegen Covid-19 in Bevölkerungsumfragen : Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Methodenstudie


    In mehreren Studien hat sich gezeigt, dass die offiziellen, vom Robert Koch-Institut berichteten Impfquoten gegen Covid-19 deutlich unter den in Bevölkerungsumfragen ermittelten liegen. In der öffentlichen Debatte wurde dies teils auf eine deutliche Untererfassung der tatsächlichen Impfquoten zurückgeführt. Die hier präsentierte experimentelle Studie zeigt jedoch, dass Effekte sozialer Erwünschtheit in Umfragestudien dazu führen, dass Befragte eine Impfung gegen Covid-19 auch dann angeben, wenn diese gar nicht erfolgt ist. Somit überschätzen konventionelle Befragungen den tatsächlichen Anteil der geimpften Bevölkerung.

  • Global norms, regional practices : Taste-based and statistical discrimination in German asylum decision-making - Supplementary Material


    This document contains the Supplementary Material to the Working Paper "Global norms, regional practices: Taste-based and statistical discrimination in German asylum decision-making" published in the Working Paper Series of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality". The paper can be found here: nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:352-2-1sumrr9j5bd2v2

    While the Working Paper focuses on the decisions made by the BAMF, related analyses on a smaller number of court decisions are provided in the Supplementary Material (Tables SA1–SA7).

  • Holzer, Boris; Koos, Sebastian; Meyer, Christian; Otto, Isabell; Panreck, Isabelle-Christine; Reichardt, Sven (2021): Einleitung: Protest in der Pandemie REICHARDT, Sven, ed.. Die Misstrauensgemeinschaft der "Querdenker" : Die Corona-Proteste aus kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2021, pp. 7-26. ISBN 978-3-593-51458-1

    Einleitung: Protest in der Pandemie



    dc.contributor.author: Panreck, Isabelle-Christine

  • Global norms, regional practices : Taste-based and statistical discrimination in German asylum decision-making


    Asylum policy-making in advanced democracies frequently faces the accusation that prejudice and stereotyping lead to erroneous decisions. The model of taste-based discrimination suggests that the biases of decision-makers or their peers against certain groups of applicants influence the evaluation of an asylum claim. Conversely, the concept of statistical discrimination implies that a dearth of information forces impartial decision-makers to resort to stereotypes. We examine both forms of discrimination, evaluating whether they shape asylum-seekers’ chances to receive protection in Germany, currently a key recipient country. Our empirical examination of a representative refugee survey in Germany confirms that asylum decisions are subject to taste-based discrimination: males, Muslims, and applicants assigned to regions with a conservative population or government are less likely to obtain asylum or other forms of protection. Conforming to the theory of statistical discrimination, stereotyping against male or Muslim applicants’ manifests most pronouncedly if decision-makers suffer under high workload or possess little information. However, high information costs do not alter stereotyping in more conservative regions. Altogether, our study reveals that extra-legal reasons in the form of prejudice and stereotypes considerably undermine what should be the key criterion in assessing an asylum claim: the credibility of an individual’s need for protection.

  • Datenschutz in der (Corona-)Krise : Selbstbestimmung und Vertrauen im Fokus


    Die Nutzung von persönlichen Daten der Bürger:innen bietet enormes Potential für die Bewältigung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Doch das Thema wird kontrovers diskutiert – von Corona-Apps und Bewegungsdaten bis hin zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung. Datenschutz hat in Deutschland einen sehr hohen Stellenwert, doch unsere repräsentative Befragung zeigt: Wenn auf Freiwilligkeit statt auf Zwang gesetzt wird, ist die Bevölkerung eher bereit, Daten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Datennutzung sollte daher die informationelle Selbstbestimmtheit der Bürger:innen achten und für sie oder andere einen konkreten Nutzen erkennen lassen. Neben diesen Faktoren ist das Vertrauen in öffentliche Institutionen zentral, um breite Zustimmung zur Nutzung persönlicher Daten zu gewährleisten – in Krisenzeiten und darüber hinaus.

  • Bertogg, Ariane; Strauß, Susanne; Vandecasteele, Leen (2021): Linked lives, linked retirement? Relative income differences within couples and gendered retirement decisions in Europe Advances in Life Course Research. Elsevier. 2021, 47, 100380. ISSN 1569-4909. eISSN 1040-2608. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2020.100380

    Linked lives, linked retirement? Relative income differences within couples and gendered retirement decisions in Europe


    Our article investigates the role of relative income distributions within couples for individuals’ retirement risks. It addresses the following questions: How does the share someone provides to the couple income affect that person’s retirement decision? What gender differences do we observe and what contextual factors can explain country differences? Our multilevel analyses draw on data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) study (2010–2016), comparing 26 countries. The results show that female main earners transition to retirement earlier than female secondary earners as they approach the official retirement age. This effect is even stronger in countries with more traditional gender norms. The opposite pattern is found for men, whereby male secondary earners retire earlier than male main earners in more gender traditional societies. We explain this finding on the basis of doing gender theories, which predict that gender-atypical behaviour in one area of life is compensated by traditional gender behaviour in other areas, especially in contexts with traditional gender norms. A further finding relates to the generosity of the country’s pension replacement rate, which shows to be a factor facilitating retirement especially for those with an equal earning partner.

  • Degner, Hanno; Leuffen, Dirk (2021): Brake and broker : Franco-German leadership for Saving EMU Journal of European Public Policy. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 28(6), pp. 894-901. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2020.1751678

    Brake and broker : Franco-German leadership for Saving EMU


    Do France and Germany lead the euro zone? We argue that the governments of these two countries jointly and successfully used institutional as well as ideational leadership – both at the domestic as well as at the European levels – when creating the Economic and Monetary Union in the 1980s and 1990s. During the euro zone crisis, however, the two respective governments mainly relied on institutional leadership, but neglected the ideational component of leadership. In consequence, member states only agreed upon lowest common denominator solutions, leaving the institutional setup of the Economic and Monetary Union incomplete. More ideational engagement by the French and German governments and the investment of political capital, in our view, are necessary for the adoption of more far-ranging substantial reforms. This would make the euro zone – and more generally the European integration project – more resilient in the years to come.

  • Holzer, Boris (2020): Das große Maskenspiel Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. 13. Dez. 2020, No. 50, pp. 68

    Das große Maskenspiel



  • Koch, Caleb M.; Moise, Izabela; Helbing, Dirk; Donnay, Karsten (2020): Public debate in the media matters : evidence from the European refugee crisis EPJ Data Science. SpringerOpen. 2020, 9, 12. eISSN 2193-1127. Available under: doi: 10.1140/epjds/s13688-020-00229-8

    Public debate in the media matters : evidence from the European refugee crisis


    In this paper, we take a novel approach to study the empirical relationship between public debate in the media and asylum acceptance rates in Europe from 2002–2016. In theory, an asylum seeker should experience the same likelihood of being granted refugee status from each of the 20 European countries we study. Yet, in practice, acceptance rates vary widely for nearly every asylum country of origin. We address this inconsistency with a data-driven approach by analyzing refugee-related news articles and data on asylum decisions across 20 Europe countries for more than 100 asylum seekers’ countries of origin. We find that: (i) public debate sentiment in the media is strongly associated with European countries’ diverging asylum practices, much more so than social, cultural or economic factors, and (ii) by combining different measures of public debate we can make out-of-sample predictions within 3% of true acceptance rates (on average). We conclude by discussing the practical implications of our findings for European asylum practices.

  • Abrassart, Aurélien; Busemeyer, Marius R.; Cattaneo, Maria A.; Wolter, Stefan C. (2020): Do adult foreign residents prefer academic to vocational education? : Evidence from a survey of public opinion in Switzerland Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2020, 46(15), pp. 3314-3334. ISSN 1369-183X. eISSN 1469-9451. Available under: doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1517595

    Do adult foreign residents prefer academic to vocational education? : Evidence from a survey of public opinion in Switzerland


    Using a unique and original dataset measuring preferences of adults for academic vs. vocational education in Switzerland, we explore differences between Swiss citizens and foreign residents regarding individual preferences for these different types of education. We find that first-generation foreigners exhibit stronger preferences for academic education, whereas the preferences of second-generation foreigners do not significantly differ from those of Swiss citizens. Further, variation across subgroups of foreigners based on their nationality indicates that cultural aspects matter to a certain extent as less well-integrated ethnic groups express stronger preferences for academic education and are also less likely to value the labour market outcomes of vocational education. Interestingly, the presence of a well-established VET system in the country of origin does not appear to strengthen preferences for vocational education in Switzerland. This might be related to less positive labour market outcomes for VET graduates’ countries of origin.

  • Holzer, Boris (2020): Ideologische Gräben, die so nicht existieren Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. 15. Nov. 2020, No. 46, pp. 64

    Ideologische Gräben, die so nicht existieren



  • Manatschal, Anita; Wisthaler, Verena; Zuber, Christina Isabel (2020): Making regional citizens? : The political drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration policies in Europe and North America Regional Studies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2020, 54(11), pp. 1475-1485. ISSN 0034-3404. eISSN 1360-0591. Available under: doi: 10.1080/00343404.2020.1808882

    Making regional citizens? : The political drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration policies in Europe and North America



    dc.contributor.author: Manatschal, Anita; Wisthaler, Verena

  • Holzer, Boris (2020): Änderung durch Aussterben Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. 25. Okt. 2020, No. 43, pp. 60

    Änderung durch Aussterben



  • Holzer, Boris (2020): Die kleine Welt der Pandemie STEGBAUER, Christian, ed., Iris CLEMENS, ed.. Corona-Netzwerke : Gesellschaft im Zeichen des Virus. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2020, pp. 27-34. ISBN 978-3-658-31393-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-31394-4_3

    Die kleine Welt der Pandemie


    Der Verlauf der Covid-19-Pandemie hat die Nebenfolgen intensiver weltweiter Verflechtung vor Augen geführt. In kurzer Zeit verbreitete sich – nach bisherigem Kenntnisstand – ausgehend von der chinesischen Provinz Hubei das SARS-CoV-2-Virus in der Region und bald darauf in der ganzen Welt. Die Ansteckung erfolgt über Kontakte zwischen Personen und damit (auch) über soziale Netzwerke.

  • Hachfeld, Axinja; Wieduwilt, Nadine (2020): Qualifizierung von frühpädagogischen Fachkräften im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit GOGOLIN, Ingrid, ed. and others. Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, pp. 281-285. ISBN 978-3-658-20284-2. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-20285-9_41

    Qualifizierung von frühpädagogischen Fachkräften im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit


    Wenngleich die Relevanz von Sprachförderung als elementarer Bestandteil frühkindlicher Bildung und Erziehung allgemein anerkannt ist, herrscht sowohl in der Praxis als auch in der Forschung Uneinigkeit darüber, inwiefern eine sprachliche Förderung mehrsprachiger Kinder mit dem konkreten Einbezug der Erstsprachen einhergehen sollte. Während Reich (2008) überrascht auf die Deutlichkeit hinweist, mit der sich seines Erachtens nach der „differenzierte Umgang mit Sprachenvielfalt“ in den Bildungsplänen der Länder ausdrückt, kommt Panagiotopoulou (2016) zu dem Schluss, dass der darin definierte Auftrag zur Sprachbildung in der Praxis vorrangig als Auftrag zur kompensatorischen Sprachförderung im Deutschen für mehrsprachig aufwachsende Kinder gedeutet wird. Diesbezüglich interessant ist der in den letzten Jahren vollzogene Wandel im Bereich der Sprachförderung von additiven Deutschförderprogrammen zu alltagsintegrierten Sprachförderansätzen.

  • Krauser, Mario; Schneider, Gerald; Wegenast, Tim (2020): Moving from Norms Rhetorics to Norms Empirics : A Rejoinder to ‚Local Gender Norms : Persistence or Change?‘ by Clara Neupert-Wentz Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2020, 9(2), pp. 455-462. ISSN 2192-1741. eISSN 2524-6976. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s42597-020-00030-4

    Project : Resourcenmanagement und Innerstaatliche Konflikte

    Moving from Norms Rhetorics to Norms Empirics : A Rejoinder to ‚Local Gender Norms : Persistence or Change?‘ by Clara Neupert-Wentz

  • Fernandez-Urbano, Roger; Kulic, Nevena (2020): Requiem for a Dream : Perceived Economic Conditions and Subjective Well-Being in Times of Prosperity and Economic Crisis Social Indicators Research. Springer. 2020, 151(3), pp. 793-813. ISSN 0303-8300. eISSN 1573-0921. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11205-020-02404-w

    Requiem for a Dream : Perceived Economic Conditions and Subjective Well-Being in Times of Prosperity and Economic Crisis


    Using the Panel of Social Inequalities in Catalonia, Spain (PaD 2001–2012), this article investigates the relationship between perceptions of economic conditions and subjective well-being in times of prosperity and economic crisis. It also analyses how this relationship plays out across different social backgrounds. Periods of economic crisis and prosperity serve as a proxy for objective macroeconomic conditions. The Spanish region of Catalonia is a relevant setting because it faced one of the highest increases in inequality and unemployment in Europe as a result of the 2008 Economic Crisis. Our results show that perceived economic conditions matter beyond objective micro and macroeconomic realm and become a strong determinant of subjective well-being during a crisis, particularly for the middle class. However, contrary to our initial expectations, our results also show the existence of a close correlation between perceptions of economic conditions and subjective well-being for low social background individuals in times of economic prosperity, and an even stronger relationship in times of economic crisis. The article stipulates several potential explanations for these results.

  • A Loud but Noisy Signal? : Public Opinion and Education Reform in Western Europe



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