Equality in Diversity
Amy Elting / unsplash

Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Family Support

With its focus on studying inequality, a particular focus of the cluster is on the support of equal opportunities across its own structures and activities.

Equal Opportunity


Our focus on equal opportunity is closely linked to our scientific work in the field of inequality research, with all our members bringing their perspectives from their respective research areas. Our In_equality Colloquium series provides a platform to share and exchange these perspectives.

A significant portion of our research is also dedicated to aspects of equal opportunity: How has Covid-19 impacted the increasing gender differences in aggression and depression symptoms? What changes have occurred in household task distribution during the pandemic? What are the causes of the gender pay gap and how could it be effectively reduced? Why are women still underrepresented in EU politics?

Moreover, on an organizational level, we have implemented various measures. These include events promoting equal opportunity and training sessions on unconscious bias; a commitment to actively recruit female employees; and the appointment of an Coordinator Equity and Diversity and an Equal Opportunity Representative from within the scientific community.

The Code of Practice on Gender Equality of the University of Konstanz can be found here

Support of Female Researchers

First FIN Meeting

Women receive far-reaching support from University offices and programs, especially in the form of mentoring and further training. Measures include the 'Mentoring with Experts and international Networking (MEiN)' program, the Konstanzia Fellowship to support advanced female junior researchers on their way to a professorship, as well as mentoring programs with invited external mentors. These programs are also open to persons whose identity varies from traditional gender norms (e.g. transgender, transsexuals, intersexuals).

We have also set up the "Female Inequality Network" at our cluster, where our female researchers can network and exchange ideas.


coloured pencils

Since its establishment in 2019, our cluster has expanded from approximately 120 members to over 200 individuals, including more than 40 Principal Investigators (PIs) leading research projects on inequality. This is reflected in our cluster community: we are diverse, speak different languages, and come from different countries.

Diversity also plays a role in our research: Some of our projects focus on how migrants are treated during administrative procedures in Germany, how their experiences change when they have proficient language skills, and the impact of language on shaping opinions about individuals with diverse backgrounds.

To support our members, we organize a variety of events aimed at fostering community and embracing diversity. These include Brown Bag seminars, the In_equality Colloquium, networking events for fellows and Early Career Researchers (ECRs), as well as retreats for both ECRs and PIs. Additionally, we offer various workshops addressing topics such as the Impostor Syndrome or resilience, and promote access to mental health services.

More information can be found in our Diversity Policy

Work and Families

children playing

In order to reconcile their family lives with their careers, researchers require a lot of support. We provide earmarked places at the University's on-campus childcare facility, the Kinderhaus, where children up to the age of six are well cared for and looked after.

For work-related travels and fieldwork, our researchers are granted additional travel funds for their children and childcare personnel. For their local work, they can also obtain additional funds to employ additional assistants. We ensure flexible working hours, limiting important appointments to family-friendly core times.

We also provide a KidsBox to help employees achieve a better balance between family and career. The KidsBox is a mobile children’s room for babies and children up to primary school age that cluster employees may borrow and temporarily take to their personal workplace or to a meeting room. The KidsBox can be booked via the intranet.