Sneak Peak
Trailer for our new explanatory and image film

We are currently working on an explanatory and image film about our work, our research and the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”. 

Here is a small preview

Why more and more young people are voting extreme

Populism is a multifaceted phenomenon: sometimes it's right-wing, sometimes left-wing; sometimes it expresses protest against open markets, sometimes it opposes migration. Why is a resilient democracy unable to confront populism on equal terms?

The Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" and the vhs Landkreis Konstanz e. V. invite you to a talk by Professor Philip Manow followed by a panel discussion. 

More information (in German).

[Translate to Englisch:] Ki am Arbeitsplatz

New Policy Paper:
Artificial intelligence at the workplace

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in the modern work environment. But how widespread is AI in German companies, and how do employees view this development? Are they more concerned or optimistic? A new policy paper from the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” at the University of Konstanz examines these questions.

Inspired by the topic of the paper, the press release  was written with the help of AI and the cover image was generated using AI. 

Cluster of Excellence
The Politics of Inequality

We examine the political causes and consequences of inequality from an interdisciplinary perspective. Our research is dedicated to some of the most pressing issues of our time: access to and distribution of (economic) resources, the global rise of populists, climate change, unfairly distributed educational opportunities and many more.

Learn more about our work here!

In_equality Conference 2024
A look back

The In_equality Conference 2024 proved to be an exceptional gathering for international and interdisciplinary researchers, providing a dynamic platform for vibrant discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas in the field of inequality research.

With more than 500 participants representing over 50 countries, both on-site and online, the conference fostered a global dialogue on inequality.

Impressions of the conference

Current news

Students at the University

New paper on gender inequality in academia

Thomas Hinz and Susanne Strauss, Principal Investigators of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, have published a paper on gender inequality and academic performance in Germany. Co-author of the study “Discrimination or a Competitive Climate? Why Women Cannot Translate Their Better High School Grades into University Grades” is Diana Roxana Galos from the University of Copenhagen.

Read more



A woman in a light beige coat wears VR glasses

Press release from the pen of an AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in the modern working world. But how widespread is AI actually in German companies, and how do employees view this development? Are they rather worried or optimistic? These questions are examined in a new policy paper from the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz. Inspired by the topic of the paper, this press release was written with the help of AI.

Does neighbourly pressure work?

Prisca Jöst, former Research Fellow at the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” has published a paper with the open access, peer-reviewed journal PLOS One.

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