Illustration: studio animanova // Christoph J Kellner (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Exzellent gefragt!
Your questions for the cutting-edge research

What exactly is swarm intelligence? How do politicians make decisions, and how do animal swarms? Can the use of AI in the workplace succeed?

Researchers from the University of Konstanz's Clusters of Excellence "Collective Behaviour" and "The Politics of Inequality" will answer these and many other questions at the Citizens' Dialogue on 18 July from 5-8 pm at the Konstanz harbour in front of the Spiegelhalle. Learn more about the exciting findings from our research and take the opportunity to exchange ideas with our scientists. We look forward to seeing you!

In_equality Conference 2024
A look back

The In_equality Conference 2024 proved to be an exceptional gathering for international and interdisciplinary researchers, providing a dynamic platform for vibrant discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas in the field of inequality research.

With more than 500 participants representing over 50 countries, both on-site and online, the conference fostered a global dialogue on inequality.

Impressions of the conference

In_equality magazine No. 6: (In)equality of Opportunities

It's about social mobility, meritocracy, the promise of advancement and educational inequality. For example: The German school sorting system – how fair do children and parents think school recommendations are?

When school recommendations are due once a year, the tension is usually high. But do pupils think their own school recommendation is fair? And what do parents think? The new In_equality magazine provides the answers.

The entire magazine is available as an e-reader - or get a print copy at the University of Konstanz. 

How widespread is anti-Semitism among students?
New working paper published

Following Hamas' attack on Israel and Israel's military response, the number of anti-Semitic incidents in Germany increased significantly - including at universities, according to a number of reports. For their new working paper, Thomas Hinz et al. surveyed students and the general public about their opinions on the war in Israel and the Gaza Strip, their willingness to protest and the perception of anti-Semitism at German universities.

To the press release

Current news

Does neighbourly pressure work?

Prisca Jöst, former Research Fellow at the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” has published a paper with the open access, peer-reviewed journal PLOS One.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Fabian Bergmann

Policies towards Indigenous groups and perceptions of inequality

Fabian Bergmann, PhD student at the cluster of excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, has recently published a paper in the interdisciplinary journal “Politics, Groups, and Identities”. The article is part of his doctoral research, which examines the effects of state policy on the political and social situation of Indigenous groups. His current publication explores how policies influence the perceptions of inequality in Sweden and Norway.

[Translate to Englisch:] Inequality Conference 2024

In_equality Conference 2024 - a Look Back

The In_equality Conference 2024 proved to be an exceptional gathering for international and interdisciplinary researchers, providing a dynamic platform for vibrant discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas in the field of inequality research. With more than 500 participants representing over 50 countries, both on-site and online, the conference fostered a global dialogue on inequality.

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