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In_equality mediathek

Conferences, podcasts, TV - our researchers, renowned guests and the cluster to watch and listen to


Christina Zuber on ARD Alpha's ‘Tagesgespräch’ programme on: ‘Migration, compulsory military service, Leitkultur: What do you think of the renewed CDU?’ (in German)

Thomas Hinz at the press conference of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): "Presentation of the rapid survey on antisemitism at universities"  (in German)

"Bildung schafft Lebenschancen: Wege aus der Ungleichheit" - 50 years vhs Konstanz with Claudia Diehl, Marius Busemeyer, Jutta Allmendinger and other guests (vhs.wissen live)

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Katrin Schmelz on the Effects of Compulsory Vaccination (ARD, Tagesschau, in German)

Marius R. Busemeyer in the video podcast "Bin ich reich? - warum wir mehr über Geld reden sollten | Duo Informale", Bayerischer Rundfunk (in German)

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Conferences and Talks

Talk by Marius R. Busemeyer - "The consequences of digitalization for education systems and the welfare state" at the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS)

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In_equality Colloquium with Philippe van Parijs: Basic Income - New Insights on a Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy

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Lecture by Gabriele Spilker on the Conference "Klima im Wandel": The Blame Game - Wer beginnt, Verantwortung zu übernehmen? (in German)

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Lecture by Sebastian Koos on the Conference "Klima im Wandel": Der Einfluss der Klimabewegung & die Rolle verschiedener Protestformen (in German)

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Radio and Podcasts

Marius Busemeyer in an interview with A. Meyer und M. Sommer "Die Rechtspopulisten profitieren vom negativen Framing"

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In the Cicero Podcast, Marius R. Busemeyer argues that the subjective perception of inequality among citizens is growing. Together with the hosts, he discusses the question of what effects this has on the voting behavior of citizens and whether parties such as the AfD or the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance benefit from this.

Keynote by Steffen Mau at the In_equality Conference 2022: "Ost und West Heute. Spannungen und Brüche im Prozess der Deutschen Einheit"

Stefan Mau at the Inequality Conference 2022

At his public evening lecture at the In_equality Conference 2022, Steffen Mau spoke about the continuing differences and tensions between East and West Germany. His talk was streamed live on Deutschlandfunk Nova and is available as podcast (in German).

Gerald Schneider in a podcast by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung with Linda Peikert und Jan van Aken (in German)

Gerald Schneider

Are sanctions useful and a pacifist alternative to war? Or do they always hit the wrong people and achieve absolutely nothing in reality? Gerald Schneider discussed this with other guests in the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung's peace podcast.

Thomas Hinz: Interview in "Deutschlandfunk" about his study "Wie denken ukrainische und deutsche Studierende über den Krieg?" (in German)

Thomas Hinz

Social Media

Fabian Bergmann in the Instagram series "PhDiary" of the University of Konstanz

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(to the Instagram channel with all posts from Fabian)

Florian Kunze on the Konstanz home office study (Instagram channel of ZDFheute)