Sociology of Inequality

Inequality studies in master programmes

Master of Arts - Sociology of Inequality

The research-oriented Master focuses on one of the key social problems - social inequality. In small learning groups with individual supervision, students will acquire the theoretical and methodological skills to analyse multiple dimensions of social inequality, their origins and consequences. Due to the close connections with the Graduate School of the Social and Behavioural Sciences (GSBS) and the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, the programme offers exceptional opportunities to study inequality in a thriving research environment.


The programme covers a broad range of topics such as migration and social integration, gender inequalities in organizations and on the labour market, education, organization and economy, culture and social networks, political participation and social movements, mostly from a comparative perspective. Our accessible and thorough training in research methods with a focus on quantitative methods allows students to conduct their own small research projects. In addition, a compulsory six-months internship greatly expands students‘ practical experience, further increasing their applied skills and future employability.

Who can apply

The programme is open for graduates of sociology, social sciences, political sciences, economics or a comparable programme.

Master of Arts - Politics and Public Administration: Specialisation "Political Economy and Inequality"

"Political Economy and inequality" is one of three eligible specialisations of the international master programme "Politics and Public Administration". The focus of this specialisation is researching the political causes and consequences of social and economic inequality.

Content and Methods

The course offer includes different methodological and theoretical perspectives with a focus on the quantitative analysis of micro and macro data from a comparative perspective. Apart from decision-making processes, politico-economical accesses to the analysis of different policy areas like economic, social, educational, health, migration and climate policies are be discussed.

Examples for Courses

Through the participation of our Cluster PIs and Early Career Researchers, the course offer is arranged on a broad basis. Course offers are, e.g.,
• The political economy of social inequality
• The politics of inequality
• Education and Inequality: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
• The Future of Work and Welfare: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Political Science
and Economics
• The Radical Right and the Welfare State
• Pressure Groups and International Organizations