Building Y

Doctoral Programme

Doctoral Studies in Inequality Research

Doctoral Researchers of the Cluster enrol in the Graduate School of the Social and Behavioural Sciences (GSBS), which was established by the University of Konstanz in conjunction with its two Clusters of Excellence to bring together researchers from eight disciplines: Biology, Economics, Linguistics, Politics and Public Administration, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, and Statistics. The GSBS offers an Inequality Specialization as one of three elective interdisciplinary specializations (Collective Behavior, Decision Sciences, and Inequality). 

The Inequality Specialization focuses on providing doctoral students with cross-disciplinary training linked to the Cluster's specific research fields, agendas, and methodologies. It investigates inequality in areas such as education, income and wealth, and participation rights. It thus prepares young researchers for an increasingly interdisciplinary job market while simultaneously contributing to cutting-edge research on the topic of inequality within various fields of research. 

More information may be found here.


[Translate to Englisch:] Frederik Grenler

Ethnic organizations online

Frederik was project researcher in the Cluster project "Mobilizing Inequalities".

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"Inside Identity Appeals: How Ethnic Parties Adapt their Communication to Changing Conditions"

Lea was project researcher in the Cluster project: "Mobilizing Inequalities: From Grievances to Conflict".

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[Translate to Englisch:] Max Heermann

Preferences and Coalitions in European Union Internet Policy

Max is project researcher in the Cluster project: "Conditions of International Solidarity (CONSOLI)".

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[Translate to Englisch:] Viktoria Jansesberger

Protest and Repression Dynamics in Disastrous Times

Viktoria is project researcher in the Cluster project: "Climate Inequalities in the Global South: from Perceptions to Protest". 

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Horizontal inequality in egalitarian societies? The Sámi in Norway and Sweden

Fabian was a project researcher in the Cluster project "Ethnic Policies” – Remedy for Between-Group Inequalities?"

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Graduate School of the Social and Behavioural Sciences (GSBS)

The Graduate School of the Social and Behavioural Sciences (GSBS) at the University of Konstanz is an interdisciplinary doctoral school, which aims to provide a state-of-the art training and research environment for doctoral candidates.

Graduate School of the Social and Behavioural Sciences