Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives

...on Inequality

Inequality is a global problem. It manifests itself in various forms around the world. For this reason, our projects repeatedly address inequality from a global perspective. On the one hand, "global" means that we examine inequality in regions and groups that rarely make it into the headlines of our daily newspapers. But "global" also means that we examine the worldwide development of inequality and analyse how its perception changes over time and space and what effects this has.

Cluster Professorship "International Politics - Global Inequalities" 

Gabriele Spilker

Gabriele Spilker has been Professor of International Politics - Global Inequality at the Cluster since fall 2021. There, she has established a working group that deals with the effects of globalization and climate change on inequality, especially in countries of the Global South. 

Contribution in the In_equality magazine No. 3

Giving the Disadvanteged a Voice. How indigenous organizations in Ecuador and Peru talk about Injustice. 

by Christina Zuber and Lea Haiges


We the indigenous peoples, women in particular, are feeling the ever more forceful impact of economic policies that prioritize the extraction of natural resources in our territories, policies that affect our way of life, often forever, policies that impoverish us and force us to emigrate.
Organization of Amazonian and Andean Indigenous Women of Peru, ONAMIAP, 2021

The further contributions

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From research to re-search: A tale from the field

by Ankush Asri, Viola Asr and Anke Hoeffler

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Progress and stagnation. Regional changes in ethnic inequality

by Nils-Christian Bormann

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Mentors showing the way: Setting up an educational experiment in Colombia

by Sebastian Fehrler, Urs Fischbacher, Anna Hochleitner and Guido Schwerdt

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Society in motion. Sebastian Koos on protest, solidarity and taking action

Interview:  Paul Töbelmann

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“Go out and vote!” Linguistic aspects of political appeals

by Miriam Butt and Wassiliki Siskou

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Words inciting violence? How ethnic organizations communicate online

by Frederik Gremler

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Polarizing crises. How financial upheaval affects politics

by Gerald Schneider and Oleksandr Shevchuk

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Varieties of perspective. Global media reporting on climate change

by Gabriele Spilker

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The power of community: Close relations boost social participation in Africa

by Prisca Jöst-Brenneis and Paul Töbelmann

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No solidarity without norm conformity. Democratic backsliding challenges European solidarity

by Max Heermann, Sebastian Koos and Dirk Leuffen 

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Insight in our Research

ethnic identity

Many social discourses revolve around "ethnic identity": in numerous places, a strong group identity goes hand in hand with the perception of shared interests, for example in the area of eliminating discrimination in access to important resources. Dealing with ethnic diversity and balancing the interests of the majority population and minorities is therefore often a challenge for the state.

The project “Ethnic Policies”: Remedy for Between-Group Inequalities?" investigates how policies that target specific ethnic groups, in this case the Sámi in Norway and Sweden, have an impact on inequality and can contribute to equality for ethnic minorities.

The project "Mobilizing Inequalities: From Grievances to Conflict" deals with specific processes of mobilisation against the background of structural inequality among groups and ethnically motivated violence.