Exc Inequality

Imposter Syndrome Talk and Workshop with Dr Jessamy Hibberd

Dienstag, 16. Mai 2023
11:45 bis 13 Uhr

Y213 & ZOOM

Veranstaltet von
CASCB / Inequality Cluster

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr Jessamy Hibberd

Together with the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, would like to cordially invite you to our Imposter Syndrome Talk and Workshop on May 16th, 11:45 – 1 pm (CET) via Zoom.

Imposter syndrome generally affects high-achieving individuals who have difficulties accepting their own achievements. During the workshop, you will learn about what imposter syndrome is, and the skills and strategies to manage and overcome it, how to help your research group members and or yourself. Through interactive elements, you will be able to add your own perspectives and discuss these ideas with your peers.

The workshop will be held by Dr Jessamy Hibberd, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, international bestselling author and speaker. She is an expert on imposter syndrome and has authored eight books, most recently Amazon’s number 1 bestseller, The Imposter Cure.