Cluster News at a Glance

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Current news



Large contribution to sustainability goals

In the THE Impact Ranking 2022, the University of Konstanz again placed among the top 100 worldwide in two categories assessing the social impact of universities on sustainability. In Germany, Konstanz shared the top overall rating with the Freie Universität Berlin.

IRSPM Award for Steffen Eckhard and Laurin Friedrich

For their paper “Exploring the Communicative Features of Public Service Encounters: How Administrative Language Affects Citizen Perseptions”, Steffen Eckhard and Laurin Friedrich have received the IRSPM award for best conference paper 2022.

Commitment to active data and software management in large research alliances

The cluster is a co-signatory of the "Commitment to active data and software management in large research alliances". With this commitment, several Excellence Clusters and SFBs in Germany are sending a signal that they recognize the importance of Research Data Management and that they are taking measures to address this importance.

Impfpflicht: Was Widerstand und Akzeptanz bewegt

Studie der Universität Konstanz und des Santa Fe Institute: Die Einführung einer Impfpflicht könnte den Widerstand verhärten, aber dennoch notwendig sein. Vertrauen in den Staat und in den Impfstoff ist zentral für die Impfbereitschaft und die Akzeptanz einer Impfpflicht.

Women in leadership at crisis-ridden companies

Research into why female executives in many companies are only given a chance in a crisis situation published in the Journal of Management. Collaboration between organizational researcher Professor Florian Kunze from the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz, Dr Max Reinwald and Dr Johannes Zaia.

Quickly let children and youths fled from Ukraine attend kindergarten and school

In a joint press statement (in German) by the Standing Research Commission of the Conference of the German Ministers of Education (SWK) and the Expert Council on Integration and Migration, Cluster Co-Speaker Claudia Diehl said:

"Rapid integration into the education system offers those affected a piece of normality and everyday life. It prevents later inequalities between children and young people with and without a refugee background - and it strengthens existing ties between Ukraine and…

Marius R. Busemeyer berät den Landtag

Der Konstanzer Politikwissenschaftler und Ungleichheitsforscher wurde in die neu eingesetzte Enquetekommission „Krisenfeste Gesellschaft“ des baden-württembergischen Landtags berufen.