Cluster News at a Glance

Contributions by our researchers and PIs, reports on public Cluster activities, and Cluster-related news items

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Current news

A Box for Kids

With its new KidsBox, the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" adresses the care needs of Cluster members and guests who need to bring their children to work, or who need childcare during meetings and events.

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Wie Solidarität im Gesundheitssystem schaffen?

Meinungsbeitrag von Friedrich Breyer in der FAZ: Eine „Bürgerversicherung“ braucht es nicht, um die Finanzierung der Krankenkassen solidarischer zu gestalten. Weder könnte sie große Einsparungen bewirken, noch wäre sie überhaupt verfassungsgemäß. Eine vernünftig umgesetzte Kopfpauschale könnte mithilfe eines steuerbasierten Sozialausgleichs wirkungsvoller umverteilen und wäre im Einklang mit der Verfassung.

[Translate to Englisch:]

“Equal Pay Day”: Inequality in the Labour Market

17 March is ‘Equal Pay Day’: By that date, 21 percent of the year is over, exactly the 21 percent that women in Germany on average earn less than men. This means that a given ‘average woman’ would work for free up until this date if she received a man’s average salary for the rest of the year. On this occasion, we talk to Susanne Strauß, professor of sociology and a specialist in gender studies.

Cluster Workshop

On January 23-24, 2020, the Cluster hosted a workshop under the title "Digitalization, Automation and the Future of the Welfare State", which focused on the implications of the digital transformation of work for labor markets and the welfare state. Organized by Cluster speaker Marius R. Busemeyer, the interdisciplinary workshop brought together a number of scholars from the Universities of Konstanz, Zurich, Harvard, Aarhus, Erfurt and Warwick.

Torben Iversen: "Reinventing Capitalism"

Renowned Danish political economist Torben Iversen of Harvard University gave a knowledgeable and inspiring lecture at the Cluster. He presented the research that entered into his and David Soskice’s recent highly-regarded book “Democracy and Prosperity: Reinventing Capitalism Through a Turbulent Century”.

Immune to influence

A University of Konstanz study examining vaccine-related attitudes reveals that our beliefs are so resilient that we effectively immunize ourselves to the opinions of others.

Die digitale Zukunft droht ungerecht zu werden

Der digitale Wandel könnte Ungleichheiten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt verstärken. Ob die Politik einen Ausgleich findet, wird die Zukunft des westlichen Kapitalismus definieren, glaubt Marius Busemeyer von der Uni Konstanz. Eine Lösung dürfte im Bildungssektor liegen.

Ein Meinungsbeitrag von Marius R. Busemeyer im Tagesspiegel Background "Digitalisierung & KI"

"Populism and Social Inequality – Current Debates"

As part of the 2019 Berlin Science Week, the two social sciences Clusters of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" and "Contestations of the Liberal Script - SCRIPTS" invited the public to take part in a panel discussion on the question how populism and social inequality are related.