Sprecherin NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen Theresa Wieland

Meet the Cluster Community: Theresa Wieland

1. Why are you interested in studying inequality?

I’ve always been interested in how people’s perception of inequality can differ and how such feelings of fairness can strongly influence other attitudes and even behaviour. These connections are highly relevant for many aspects of society and might help understand different worldviews and bridge cleavages. Apart from that, I might have also been influenced by growing up with multiple siblings and learning about varying perceptions of “fair” very early.

2. What are you working on? 

I’m working as an Independent Doctoral Fellow and I study perceptions of climate change and how these affect individual attitudes or behaviour. Currently I’m working on a project about green policy support and another one on the willingness to change to varying kinds of climate-friendly behaviour.

3. How did you end up here?

Before coming to the Cluster I’ve worked multiple years as a student research assistant, where I already had the opportunity to attend some conferences and get a first taste of working as a researcher. Since I enjoyed the international and interdisciplinary exchange in particular, the Cluster seemed like the perfect work environment!

4. Recent highlight? 

Getting to know many interesting people and their research projects at the In_equality Conference and - on a less scientific note - the start of the much anticipated warmer season in Konstanz.

5. Dream research project?

Since the majority of climate change attitudes research focusses on the Global North, I would love to do an extensive project concentrating on countries of the Global South. If this would be possible within the framework of a survey conducted in multiple countries, even better. 

Theresa Wieland is an Independent Doctoral Fellow at the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz under the supervision of Thomas Hinz. Her research interests include environmental and social inequalities, influences on environmental attitudes and international research and the welfare state.