There are several opportunities to do research with us at the Integrative Biophysics group:
- Postdoctoral fellowships such as the Human Frontier Science Program or the Marie Curie Fellowship: we are very happy to discuss potential fellowship proposals relating to theoretical biophysics of collectives (from cells to animals) that we can host in our group. Get in touch to discuss your ideas!
We are always open for collaborations, as the scientific process benefits greatly from interdisciplinarity. Currently looking for collaborators on the following projects (Get in touch if you would like to collaborate on any of those projects):
- Extending foraging theory to cellular physiology: cells perform decisions, process information and forage for resources in its local environment. Can one extend theoretical frameworks developed to understand social foraging in animals to the cellular context?
- Collective ion channel dynamics underlying action potentials: It is increasingly appreciated that ion channels do not work independently but rather interdependently, either coupling to each other or to the membrane surrounding them. Can one apply laws of collective behaviour and global ordering to clusters of ion channels? How does ion channel collectives shape the action potential from the nanoscale to the microscale?
We are also involved in the organization of a variety of schools that provide oppertunities to advance knowledge and develop collaborations: