How to: S/MIME certificate

Send signed and encrypted emails

What is an S/MIME Certificate?

S/MIME certificates are certificate files that you can use to send your emails digitally signed and encrypted. Your digital certificate confirms your email has actually been sent by you (respectively: no other instance has altered the email since you have sent it).

Why Should I Get an S/MIME Certificate?

Most emails are not encrypted as standard which makes them as openly readable as a postcard. By sending encrypted emails, you make sure that they are only readable by the recipient. To be able to send encrypted emails, both you and your recipient must have a certificate. So the more people use certificates, the better. Digital signatures can be made regardless.

Together with the digital signature, these features make emails an official written form for your agreements, work instructions or other important communication. More and more official institutions will only deal with emails if they come signed with a certificate.

In short: your emails are safer and count as written form if you (and your recipient) use certificates with e.g. S/MIME.

Here is how to get and to use and S/MIME certificate:

Step 1: Apply for an S/MIME certificate