Diversity and Equal Opportunity Management

Our group is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all CASCB members. We will accomplish this by organizing awareness events and workshops, encouraging a safe environment for diversity and inclusion dialogues, and providing useful resources and the necessary support for everyone. In order to achieve the effective coordination of measures in this area, our Diversity & Equal Opportunity Coordinator works closely with the Diversity & Equal Opportunity Representatives of the Cluster as well as the representatives of researchers from all career levels.

CASCB hiring process

Our selection processes account for gender consciousness as well as leadership and social abilities, thereby promoting a diversity-conscious culture. To ensure equal opportunity, CASCB's Diversity and Equal Opportunity Representatives are included in all relevant procedures, including recruiting, job placement, allocation of funds, and invitation of guests. Additionally, our decision-making bodies receive training in considering and implementing measures that address gender bias.

Gender balance

Our cascade-based strategy to reduce the attrition of female researchers includes appointing an equal number of male and female researchers as junior professors, early career research group leaders, and new principal investigators.

Additionally, our supporting measures include a monitoring process to track the gender balance at all career levels, with annual reports to be submitted to CASCB's Board. Learn more about our supporting structures for female scientists on our Supporting Resources page.

Diversity & Equal Opportunity Coordinator

Portrait Nihan Toprakkiran

Dr Nihan Toprakkiran
Diversity, Equal Opportunity, Community Building
Office Team
ZT 908

Diversity & Equal Opportunity Representatives

Portrait Einat Couzin-Fuchs and Ahmed El Hady
Diversity & Equal Opportunity Representatives Einat Couzin-Fuchs and Ahmed El Hady.

Portrait Einat Couzin-Fuchs

Dr Einat Couzin-Fuchs

Group Leader
University of Konstanz ZT 922

Portrait Ahmed El Hady

Dr Ahmed El Hady

Group Leader
Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour