Dots in different colours, black background
Locust experiment data

Science communication

Research on collective behaviour captures the imagination of wide audiences and naturally lends itself to engagement with the general public. We happily share our enthusiasm for swarms with society. Science communication and outreach activities are an integral part of the Cluster of Excellence Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour.

Our science communication work is wide-ranging in scope and global in reach. Our programme advances science communication through a range of channels spanning online communication, media work, events, art and visualization tools, and citizen science projects.

CASCB in the media

Press releases and news

Our press releases and news provide information on new research findings and successes.

Collective behaviour press releases and news


Annual reports

CASCB Annual Reports are a review of the accomplishments of the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour in research, engagement, infrastructure, membership, grants, awards, and outreach.

Take a look at our annual reports

Outreach events

We offer a dedicated outreach programme – including educational formats, exhibitions, and citizen science – that promotes transparency and the transfer of knowledge.

An overview of our outreach activities

SciArt collaboration wit hMerz Akademie

The Merz Akademie, a University of Applied Arts, Design and Media in Stuttgart, is a very important partner for our science art projects, which connects science communication and research-oriented teaching. Since 2021, we have regularly carried out an interdisciplinary cooperation between students and researchers on topics including collective behaviour, data visualization, and its creative interpretation. The project’s results, such as computer and board games, VR-installations, or animated movies are used to reach a wider audience.

Further information

Podcast "In the Swarm"

Have you ever wondered if plants compete against each other in the wild? Or why birds fly in flocks? Such phenomena of collective behaviour can be found all around us in animals, humans, plants, robots – actually everywhere. Collective behaviour fascinates, but poses many puzzles, even for researchers. That is why the podcast “In the Swarm” dives into examples. Our researchers have set off on a journey to find out more about the collective phenomena. They present the research of their colleagues and share their impressions in the podcast "In the Swarm".

Listen to the podcast "In the Swarm"

Podcast "exzellent erklärt"

Behavioural biologist Barbara Fruth and health psychologist Britta Renner provide insights into the importance of eating together for humans and animals in a new episode of the German podcast "Exzellent erklärt - Spitzenforschung für alle". They also talk about research into swarm intelligence.

The podcast

57 Clusters of Excellence, 1 podcast. "Exzellent erklärt" regularly reports from one of the research alliances funded as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments.

Scoial media

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You can also receive news via the University's social media channels:

YouTube channel

On our YouTube channel you will find films that provide insights into our collective behaviour research.

CASCB YouTube Channel

Media coverage

Collective Behaviour is in the news. Discover a selection of open access stories in print, TV, radio, and online that feature the work of our researchers.

Our media coverage overview

Selected media coverage (21.7.2024): Studie untersucht Einfluss von Licht auf Mottenflug

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SWR Wissen (5.7.2024): Studie: Heuschrecken können auch im Schwarm hervorragend riechen

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Screenshot from "Die große Flatter", GEO 7/2024, S. 98-99.

GEO (7/2024): Die große Flatter, S. 98-110.

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Deutschlandfunk Nova (21.5.2024) Erdmännchen sind Plaudertaschen

Learn more (20.5.2024): Erdmännchen sagen viel - erwarten aber nicht immer Antwort

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Four people sitting in a studio at a round table
Scobel @sirch/privat

SCOBEL/ (25.04.2024: Kulturkampf ums Essen

Süddeutsche Zeitung (16.3.2024): Die Macht der Masse: Konstanzer Forscher lassen Fische im virtuellen Schwarm schwimmen und Heuschrecken im Kreis marschieren. So lernen sie auch etwas über den Menschen.

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Mayrs Magazin (19.1.2024): Schwarmintelligenz bei Tauben with Mathilde Delacoux and Alex Chan

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3sat nano (7.11.2023): Nachtfalter. Mit guter Sicht durch die Dunkelheit (20:33) with Anna Stöckl, Ronja Bigge, and Andrea Gonsek

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Die ZEIT (28.10.2023): Uni Konstanz untersucht Schwarmbildung von Heuschrecken with Iain Couzin

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palent e / (24.09.2023): Streitfall Taube - verjagen oder ertragen? with Mathilde Delacoux and Fumihiro Kano

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3sat nano (5.9.2023): Heuschrecken im Holodeck with Einat Couzin-Fuchs, Iain Couzin, Yannick Günzel, Sercan Sayin, and Vishwanath Varma

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National Geographic (10.7.2023): Gigantische Größe: Flughundkolonie in Sambia bricht alle Rekorde with Ben Koger and Dina Dechmann

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3sat nano (5.6.2023): Neue Technologien revolutionieren unser Verständnis der Tierwelt (from min 22:12) with Blair Costelloe, Iain Couzin and Ben Koger

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YouTube Tom Scott (17.4.2023): It's the Matrix, but for locusts with Iain Couzin and locust researchers (Couzin lab, Couzin-Fuchs lab).

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Terra X (12.3.2023): Schlaue Schwärme - Rätselhafte Kräfte with Iain Couzin

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Terra X (5.3.2023): Schlaue Schwärme - Geheimnisvolle Sprachen with Christoph Kleineidam and Heiko Hamann

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Portrait Elisabeth Böker


Get in touch with our press spokesperson Dr Elisabeth Böker
Phone: +49 7531 88-3966
Write to Elisabeth Böker