Penguins on the beach
Picture: Lori Lo, Pixabay

Grants and awards

Our researchers are very successful – just take a look on the numerous prestigious awards they have achieved over the last years!

Grants 2024

  • Clemens Bechinger: ERC Advanced Grant, "Brownian particles in non-equilibrium baths" (BRONEB), 2.5 million €
  • Yitzchak Ben-Mocha: ZENiT Research Fellow, "GCoo-BreeD: advancing comparative research with a peer-reviewed, updatable and fair Global Cooperative Breeding Database", 45.000 €
  • Hanja Brandl: Young Scholar Fund, University of Konstanz, "Heart rate response and heart rate synchrony of ambush predators in a cooperative predator-prey system", 8.597 €
  • Heiko Hamann and Andreagiovanni Reina: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, “Machbarkeitsstudie RoBuST Warehouse”
  • Daniel Keim: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Grant, “THERESA KI-basiertes, ineraktives Überfeedback aus Smartphone-Videoaufnahmen zur Förderung und Erhaltung der Gesundheit beim Training mit therapeutischen Kleingeräten”, 194.622 €, three years
  • Daniel Keim: Stadt Konstanz for the Modellprojekte Smart Cities des Bundesministeriums für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen/ KFW Bankengruppe, “SGC Bodenseeschiffahrt”, 135.000 €, two years
  • Daniel Keim: Stadt Konstanz for the Modellprojekte Smart Cities des Bundesministeriums für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen/ KFW Bankengruppe, “SGC Energiemonitoring im Quartier”, 186.804 €, three years
  • Gisela Kopp: ZENiT Research Fellow
  • Jonas Kuckling: ZENiT Research Fellow
  • Liang Li and Eduardo Sampaio: National Geographic Society Meridian Grant for the project OCEAN-ROBOCTO: unveiling Octopus CollaborativE hunting with fish through ANimal-ROBOt interaCTiOns, 150.000 €
  • Stefan Leue: German Research Foundation Grant, “SCADNet - Strukturelle kausale Analyse von tiefen neuronalen Netzen”, three years

Awards 2024

  • Kim Doell: Finalist for the Falling Walls Science Summit's Science Breakthrough of the Year award
  • Heiko Hamann, Jonas Kuckling, Andreagiovanni Reina: Best Paper Award at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Paper title: "Do We Run Large-scale Multi-robot Systems on the Edge? More Evidence for Two-phase Performance in System Size Scaling"
  • Yannick Günzel, Inga Petelski: Best Paper Award (BPA) SoSe 2024 of the Department of Biology at the University of Konstanz
  • Britta Renner: Member of the Advisory Board Health Reporting and Health Monitoring of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

Grants 2023

  • Yitzchak Ben-Mocha: Young Scholar Fund; €5,000
  • Oliver Deussen, Tiare Feuchtner, Daniel Keim, Harald Reiterer, Falk Schreiber, Sabine Storandt: German Research Foundation grant, SFB-TRR 161 “Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing”; €298,900
  • Andrea Flack: German Research Foundation grant, “Landfill foraging in migratory birds: pain or gain”; €199,287
  • Giovanni Galizia: HFSP grant, “Social immunity in honeybee - SoBee”; $3,600,000, three years
  • Andrea Gonsek: Hector Fellow Academy Young Researcher, “Dynamic Vision in Natural Low Light Environments From Single Photons to Behaviour”, three years
  • Jeanine Grütter: LEAP Fellowship; MIT Solve, 2 years
  • Raphaela Heesen: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Daniel Keim: DAAD Research Grant; €13,504, 6 months
  • Gisela Kopp: Young Scholar Fund; €13,575; Workshop Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation, “Animating ancient trade routes through primate lifeways”; $19,907
  • Daniela Perez: Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, two years
  • Britta Renner: Baden-Württemberg Institut für Nachhaltige Mobilität (BWIM), “How we move why we move”; €207,000, one year
  • Anna Stöckl: European Research Council Starting Grant 2022; "Closing the loop in dynamic vision – from single photons to behaviour in extreme light environments"; €1,500,000
  • Wataru Toyokawa: William K. and Katherine W. Estes Fund, Association for Psychological Science and the Psychonomic Society; “Computational Summer School on Modelling Social and Collective Behaviour (COSMOS)", Konstanz, 2023
  • NeuroDoWo Team: Max Capelle, Katja Slangewal, Ronja Bigge, Andrea Gonsek, Kavitha Kannan, Yannick Günzel: Funds for Scientific Meetings, Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung; €2,262;  Doctoral Fund, University of Konstanz; €2,910
  • Lochlan Walsh: Hector Fellow Academy Young Researcher, “The Algorithmic Basis of Pattern Recognition in an Insect Pollinator”, three years

Awards 2023

Grants 2022

  • Armin Bahl: European Research Council Starting Grant 2022; “Neural basis of zebrafish collective decision-making”, €1.5 m
  • Armin Bahl, Florian Engert, Jeff Lichtman, and Marc Fishman (Harvard University): NIH U19 Collaboration Grant; “The heart and the mind: an integrative approach to brain-body interactions in the zebrafish”, $288,750
  • Armin Bahl and Robert Hindges (King’s College London): Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council International Partnerships grant; “A close-loop visual stimulation system to study neural circuits underlying animal behaviour”, £44,448.46
  • Thejasvi Beleyur: Walter Benjamin Programme, German Research Foundation
  • Blair Costelloe, Andrea Flack, and Martin Wikelski: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network grant: “WildDrone, Autonomous Drones for Nature Conservation Missions”
  • Meg Crofoot: ERC Consolidator Grant: “CO-SLEEP: The Collective Dynamics of Sleep”, €2.9 m
  • Iain Couzin and Serena Ding: EIC Horizon 2020: “BABOTS: The design and control of small swarming biological animal robots”
  • George Fejer: ELES Doctoral Scholarship Fund
  • Urs Fischbacher: Allais Memorial Prize in Behavioural Sciences
  • Jeanine Grütter: Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship, 3 years
  • Daniel Keim and AG Data Analysis and Visualization: Grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Research for Civil Security: “ Verbundprojekt: Vertrauenswürdige Künstliche Intelligenz für polizeiliche Anwendungen (VIKING)”; Subproject "Visual Analytics für vertrauenswürdige und erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz", 3 years, €492,786
  • Daniel Keim and AG Data Analysis and Visualization: Committee on Research (AFF), University of Konstanz; Funding lines in the framework of the Excellence Strategy: “ProPell Promoting Exercise in Lab and Life”; 2.8 years, € 27,270.60
  • Daniel Keim and AG Data Analysis and Visualization: Grant from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action: “Re-SUME - Multikriterielle Optimierung: Auswirkungen von Recyclingpotentialen, kritischen Rohstoffen und Lieferkettenrisiken auf die Energiewende”, Subprojekt "Visuelle Analytik für verbesserte Entscheidungsfindung"; 3 years; €325,450
  • Daniel Keim and AG Data Analysis and Visualization: Project grant from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration of the State of Baden-Württemberg: “KTBW Verwendung von digitalen Fernüberwachungs- und Behandlungslösungen als wichtiger Baustein bei der Bekämpfung der COVID-19-Pandemie in Baden-Württemberg”, 10 months, €162,500
  • Mark van Kleunen: German Research Foundation grant; “Globale Pflanzeninvasionen: von Grundlagendaten, zu Ursachen und Biodiversitätsänderungen”, 3 years
  • Liang Li: Mobility Grant, Sino-German Centre for Research Promotion: “The emergence of cooperation in schooling fish: an evolutionary game theory perspective”
  • Diego Morales: Herz Fellowship, Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz
  • Hemal Naik: Residency at Schloss Solitude; Project at the art/science interface related to the CASCB/MPI-AB Blackbuck project
  • Harald Reiterer and Falk Schreiber: Gold at the CommAwards; Golden ADC Nail; Red Dot at the Red Dot Design Award for the exhibition “Stayin’ Alive”
  • Zoe Ringleb: Ann Kern-Godal’s mermorial fund: "Systematic Investigation into Stress Reducing Effects of Horse-Assisted Therapy in Acute and Chronic Stress Measured by Heart Rate Variability and Cortisol"
  • Katja Slangewal: Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD Fellowship
  • Anna Stöckl: Research Fellowship, Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, 5 years; Emmy Noether grant: "The neural basis of insect pattern vision"
  • Wataru Toyokawa: William K. and Katherine W. Estes Fund, Association for Psychological Science and the Psychonomic Society; “Computational Summer School on Modelling Social and Collective Behaviour (COSMOS) Konstanz 2022”
  • Katrin Vogt: Subproject leader, German Research Foundation Research Unit; “Modulation in Olfaction: How Recurrent Circuits Govern State-Dependent Behaviour”
  • Sonja Wild: Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship, Swiss National Science Foundation; “The impact of human disturbance on animal culture”, 2 years
  • Hannah Williams: Freigeist Fellowship, Volkswagen Foundation: “Optimal Movement Theory: Perception of energies to "up-the-odds" for efficient movement”, approx. €1.6 m
  • Yuqi Zou: Herz Fellowship, Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz

Awards 2022

Grants 2021

  • Lucy Aplin: European Research Council Grant (SERI funded) Starting Grant 2021; “CULTURES ADAPT - Animal culture under change: a landscape-level analysis of socio-cognitive responses to human impact”, € 1,5 mil
  • Clemens Bechinger: German Research Foundation Grant; “Fluctuations and Nonlinearities in Classical and Quantum Matter beyond Equilibrium”, 4 years
  • Aneesh Bose: Independent Research Grant from Zukunftskolleg
  • Hanja Brandl: Independent Research Grant from Zukunftskolleg
  • Einat Couzin-Fuchs: German Research Foundation Individual Research Grant; “Odor coding and decision making”, 3 years
  • Andrea Flack: Emmy Noether Research Program of the German Research Foundation
  • Urs Kalbitzer: Elite Programme for Postdocs of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
  • Daniel Keim: DFG Schwerpunktprogramm „RATIO“ Grant; “CUEPAQ Visual Analytics and Linguistik für Erfassen, Verständnis und Erklärung personalisierter Argumentqualität“, 3 years
  • Daniel Keim: BMBF grant; “AIDA TI UKON”, 2 years
  • Katrin Vogt: Independent Research Grant from Zukunftskolleg
  • Anja Weidenmüller: Bees & Trees Foundation

Awards 2021

  • Michael Chimento: Best Paper Award from the IMPRS for Organismal Biology for the publication: Chimento M, Alarcón-Nieto G, Aplin LM. Population turnover facilitates cultural selection for efficiency in birds. Current Biology. 2021 Jun 7; 31(11):2477-83.
  • Iain Couzin: Gottfried Wilhelmm Leibniz Prize 2022; Global Highly Cited Researcher 2021
  • Oliver Deussen: Fellow of the German Informatics Society
  • Barbara Fruth: Awards from Centre for Research and Conservation BE, Bonobo Alive e.V., Deutsches Primatzentrum (DPZ)
  • Harald Reiterer: Lehrpreis des Landes Baden-Württemberg
  • Britta Renner: 'LUKS' award for excellent teaching, University of Konstanz
  • Eli Strauss: Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Falk Schreiber: Lehrpreis des Landes Baden-Württemberg
  • Martin Wikelski: Order of Merit of Baden-Württemberg, Award from Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Grants 2020

  • Lucy Aplin: Israeli Science Foundation: “From conformity to diversity”, 5 years
  • Armin Bahl: Emmy Noether Junior Research Group: "Neural basis of perceptual decision-making in larval zebrafish", 6 years
  • Armin Bahl: Zukunftskolleg Research Fellow, 5 years
  • Clemens Bechinger: European Union ITN Network Active Matter grant, 2 years
  • Iain Couzin: ERC Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Innovative Training Networks (ITN) grant; “Advanced Simulation, Analysis and Interpretation of Network Structures in Biological Data ‘SmartNets’”, 4 years
  • Damien Farine: ERC Starting Grant; “The ecology of collective behaviour”, 4 years
  • Damien Farine: SNSF Eccellenza Professorship; “The building blocks of animal societies”, 4 years
  • Alex Jordan: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science grant; “Studies on the evolution of mating systems and parental care patterns of the cichlid fishes in the ancient African lake: ecological, cognitive and neurophysiological approaches”, 4 years
  • Alex Jordan: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grant; “Genetic toolkits and the molecular evolution of social behaviour: teleost fish as a comparative study model”, 4 years
  • Alex Jordan: National Science Foundation grant; “Characterization and dissection of DNA methylation and animal color changes in an African cichlid”, 3 years

Awards 2020

  • Giovanni Galizia: Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin (2019-2020)
  • Iain Couzin: Global Highly Cited Researcher, Web of Science Group
  • Damien Farine: Global Highly Cited Researcher, Web of Science Group
  • Aneesh Bose: International Society for Behavioural Ecology Pitelka Award
  • Giovanni Galizia: Henriette Herz-Preis
  • Martin Imhof: Science Award of the Werner und Erika Messmer Foundation
  • Gisela Kopp: Die Junge Akademie Fellow
  • Martin Wikelski, ICARUS Project: “Brücken für die deutsch-russische Hochschul- und Wissenschaftszusammenarbeit”

Grants 2019

  • Clemens Bechinger: ERC Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Innovative Training Networks (ITN) grant; “Active Matter: From Fundamental Science to Technological Applications”, 4 years
  • Iain Couzin: Office of Naval Research grant; “Individual Differences and Bio-Inspired Design of Vehicle Group Dynamics”, 5 years
  • Iain Couzin: Marie-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange grant; “iNavigate”, 4 years
  • Meg Crofoot: Alexander von Humboldt Professor, 4 years
  • Dina Dechmann: Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant; “Regrowing the brain: evolution and mechanisms of seasonal reversible size changes in a mammal”, 3 years
  • Oliver Deussen: Transregional Collaborative Research Center SFB-TRR 161 “Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing” funding renewal, 4 years
  • Helge Giese and Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin: University of Konstanz Zukunftskolleg Interdisciplinary Collaborative Project grant; “The communication network in collective decision-making: How does group structure affect decision dynamics and outcomes?”
  • Helge Giese and Wolfgang Gaissmaier: German Research Foundation Project grant; “Contagious Risk Perception: The Social Dynamics of Risk Perception, Communication, and Behavior”, 3 years
  • Alex Jordan: Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Grant; “The dynamics of information flow in a social network of mutually shading plants”, 3 years
  • Daniel Keim: German Research Foundation grant; “Uncertainty and Trust-Aware Integration of VGI and Spatio-Temporal Traces for Understanding Animal Behavior”, 3 years
  • Daniel Keim: EU Horizon 2020 grant; “Sustainable Data Lakes for Extreme-Scale Analytics”, 3 years
  • Morgane Nouvian: Zukunftskolleg Research Fellow, 5 years, DFG grant "Individual brains, collective task: social regulation of stinging behaviour in honeybees", 3 Years + 2 years cost-neutral extension
  • Falk Schreiber and Martin Wiekski: Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) of Baden-Württemberg grant; “Movebank 2.0”
  • Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin: Zukunftskolleg Research Fellow, 5 years
  • Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin: Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant; “Communication and the coordination of collective behavior across spatial scales in animal societies”, 3 years
  • Stephan Streuber: Zukunftskolleg Research Fellow, 5 years
  • Stefan Volkwein: German Research Foundation grant; “Multiobjective Optimization of Non-Smooth PDEs – Switches, State Constraints, Model Reduction”, 3 years

Awards 2019