Dr. Judit Vári

Judit Vári

Judit Vári is a is Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" investigating the “Perception of Political Charisma in Low-Status Speakers

Research interests:

  • implicit and explicit perception of speakers and language varieties
  • link between (language) attitudes and behaviour
  • minority and minoritized speakers and language varieties
  • language vitality and endangerment

Before joining the Cluster “The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz, Judit completed her PhD in 2021 at the Bangor University Wales, United Kingdom. In her thesis, she investigated attitudes towards speakers of standard and non-standard languages in the German speaking community of Belgium (“Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens”) and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. She was particularly interested how different standardisation processes influence the prestige of non-standard language varieties (i.e. Moselle Franconian) and how this provides insights into effective measures to ensure the language varieties’ vitality.