"Ask me Anything” about Political Trust and the Welfare State

Thursday, 12. October 2023
11:45 - 13:15


Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality"

Staffan Kumlin

The Cluster "The Politics of Inequality" invites you to a round-table discussion “Ask me Anything" about Political Trust and the Welfare State” with Staffan Kumlin, Thursday 12 October, 11:45 to 13:15, room Y327 and online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87841580854?pwd=TUFKQXVNUmlQdEROaWVwNmRUdXhGZz09.

Staffan Kumlin is professor of political science at the University of Oslo. His main research fields are comparative political behaviour, public opinion, and democracy in European welfare states. He is currently External Senior Fellow at the Cluster "The Politics of Inequality".

The format "Ask me anything" will allow you to ask your questions in an informal discussion, e.g. on current developments or research strategies in welfare state research. After a short introduction by Staffan, you can ask him about anything you would like to know about the topic. We invite especially early career researcher to use this great opportunity to discuss with our guest. Registration is not necessary.
In case of questions, contact Frank Wehinger at frank.wehinger@uni-konstanz.de.