"Ask me Anything" about: Comparative Research

Tuesday, 23. May 2023
11:45 - 13:15


Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality"

Heiko Giebler und Swen Hutter

Ask me Anything with Swen Hutter and Heiko Giebler, guests at the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality".

Swen Hutter is a Professor of Political Sociology at Freie Universität Berlin. He is interested in the changing dynamics and structuration of political conflict in contemporary democracies. Heiko Giebler is a Research Group Leader in the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script". In this role, he is the coordinator of the comparative public opinion survey “Public Attitudes towards the liberal script”. He is interested in electoral bahavior and attitudes, democracy, political parties and quantitative methods.

They both agreed to meet with everyone interested in comparative research and try to answer all questions you might have. So, if you are collecting all kinds of data in a comparative way in your research (or would like to) you are very welcome to join us. This can be a way of getting feedback on your research design, help with the interpretation of results, something that has always been puzzling to you, or a very basic question you have not dared to ask before in order to not look stupid.

You can find us on Tuesday, May 23, at 11:45 in Y213 or on Zoom:


Meeting-ID: 865 3160 6413
Code: 828690