[Translate to Englisch:] Eine junge Frau hält ein Tablett auf dem ein Apfel, zwei Bockwürste, ein Käsebrötchen und Besteck ist.
[Translate to Englisch:] Bild: Katrin Binner

The right diet for promoting sustainability

In a new online course from the WWF Academy, health psychologist Britta Renner from the University of Konstanz explains why we need fair nutritional environments.

Sustainable food is a topic of increasing importance today. The way we produce, consume and dispose of food has direct consequences for our health, environment and the well-being of future generations. But what does a more sustainable diet look like? This is a question covered in a new online course from the WWF Academy (in German).

The course is based on the latest research findings from different experts, including health psychologist Britta Renner from the University of Konstanz. In the course, she teaches how our environments influence our eating behaviour. It also becomes clear that many of our dietary decisions are made unconsciously and that the entire nutritional environment must change in order to make it possible for us to engage in more sustainable behaviour. Later in the course, the experts show how this can be achieved at the personal and political levels. Participants also get practical recommendations for taking action.

Britta Renner is vice president of the (German Nutrition Society, DGE) and vice chair of the Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy, Food and Consumer Health Protection (WBAE) of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. She is co-speaker of the Cluster of Excellence “Collective Behaviour” at the University of Konstanz.

The WWF Academy offers online courses on various sustainability topics. After free registration at wwf-akademie.de, anyone can complete the courses and get corresponding certificates. The course on sustainable nutrition is available (in German) at wwf.de/foodkurs.